***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011
- Navaldesign
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HTTP 500 Internal server error
I'm almost there but for some reason i get HTTP 500 internal server error
Hello '.$Forename. ', thank you for your submission. ' is the culprit if I remove it's fine. Could you help!
I'm almost there but for some reason i get HTTP 500 internal server error
Hello '.$Forename. ', thank you for your submission. ' is the culprit if I remove it's fine. Could you help!
- Navaldesign
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http://www.glendower.co.uk/error.php which i am still working on
http://www.glendower.co.uk/error.php which i am still working on
- Navaldesign
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<?phpNavaldesign wrote:Please copy paste here the entire code of the success page so I can have a look.
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<font style="FONT-SIZE: 10px"><font face=Arial><font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000><strong><a href="OTTODEX Promo Oct 2009.pdf">Ottodex Cutter</a> </strong></font></font></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 10px"><font face=Arial><font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" color=#000000>when you purchase</font></font></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>20 ODET 150508 RK40G</font>
<em>while stocks last</em>
<font face=Arial>----------------------------</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html" target=_self>Milling Sets</a></strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Various Endmill sets</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" face=Arial><strong>from £18...</strong></font>
<font face=Arial>-----------------------------</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html" target=_self>Threading Box Sets</a></strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Threading tool box sets</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>incuding tools and inserts</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £160...</strong></font>
<font face=Arial>-----------------------------</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html">V-Cut Scoring Blades</a></strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Standard & Reversable</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £70...</strong></font>
<font face=Arial>....................................</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html" target=_self>Mini Tooling Sets</a></strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Various Boring bar sets</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £110...</strong></font>
<font face=Arial>....................................</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong>PCLNR 2525 M12</strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>1 Holder, 20 Inserts</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £85...</strong></font>
<strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial>PDJNR 2525 & DNMG 1506 Sets</font></strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 21px"><u><br></u></font><font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" color=#000000 face=Arial>1 off PDJNR 2525-15 plus<br>20 off DNMG 1506** 2N or 4T Grade NL30 / NL40 or NL92</font>
<font face=Arial>.....................................</font>
<strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html" target=_self>HSS Rippa Sets</a></font></strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 21px"><u><br></u></font><font style="FONT-SIZE: 13px" color=#000000 face=Arial><font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px">844-NR set M42 cobalt coarse pitch comprising 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm & 20mm dia <br><br>844-NF set M42 cobalt fine pitch comprising 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm & 20mm dia</font> </font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 13px" color=#000000 face=Arial>...................................... </font>
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- Navaldesign
- Posts: 862
- Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:08 pm
- Location: Italy
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Your issue is due to the formatting that you have done to the sentence.
Remove all formatting (color, bold etc) (YES! you Do have a bold setting, without any content):
<font style="font-size:13px" color="#000000" face="Verdana">Hello </font><font style="font-size:13px" color="#FF0000" face="Arial"><b>'</b></font><font style="font-size:13px" color="#FF0000" face="Verdana">.$Forename. </font><font style="font-size:13px" color="#FF0000" face="Arial"><b>'</b></font><font style="font-size:13px" color="#000000" face="Verdana">, thank you for your submission. </font><font style="font-size:13px" color="#FF0000" face="Arial"><b>'</b></font>'
This formatting breaks the PHP code inserted in there.
Select all text. Make it Black.
Then make it (whilst all selected) BOLD. Then Remove the BOLD
Then (whilst selected) make it all Arial (or all Verdana).
Last format the text as follows: make sure to format NOT ONLY the $Forename but the entire part Starting from the white space after "Hello" and including the white space AFTER $Forename.'
This way your text will have a unique formating and the code will not be broken.
Remove all formatting (color, bold etc) (YES! you Do have a bold setting, without any content):
<font style="font-size:13px" color="#000000" face="Verdana">Hello </font><font style="font-size:13px" color="#FF0000" face="Arial"><b>'</b></font><font style="font-size:13px" color="#FF0000" face="Verdana">.$Forename. </font><font style="font-size:13px" color="#FF0000" face="Arial"><b>'</b></font><font style="font-size:13px" color="#000000" face="Verdana">, thank you for your submission. </font><font style="font-size:13px" color="#FF0000" face="Arial"><b>'</b></font>'
This formatting breaks the PHP code inserted in there.
Select all text. Make it Black.
Then make it (whilst all selected) BOLD. Then Remove the BOLD
Then (whilst selected) make it all Arial (or all Verdana).
Last format the text as follows: make sure to format NOT ONLY the $Forename but the entire part Starting from the white space after "Hello" and including the white space AFTER $Forename.'
This way your text will have a unique formating and the code will not be broken.
Sorry to bother you again done what you said, still cant get it to work
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<font style="FONT-SIZE: 10px"><font face=Arial><font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000><strong><a href="OTTODEX Promo Oct 2009.pdf">Ottodex Cutter</a> </strong></font></font></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 10px"><font face=Arial><font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" color=#000000>when you purchase</font></font></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>20 ODET 150508 RK40G</font>
<em>while stocks last</em>
<font face=Arial>----------------------------</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html" target=_self>Milling Sets</a></strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Various Endmill sets</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" face=Arial><strong>from £18...</strong></font>
<font face=Arial>-----------------------------</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html" target=_self>Threading Box Sets</a></strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Threading tool box sets</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>incuding tools and inserts</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £160...</strong></font>
<font face=Arial>-----------------------------</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html">V-Cut Scoring Blades</a></strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Standard & Reversable</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £70...</strong></font>
<font face=Arial>....................................</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html" target=_self>Mini Tooling Sets</a></strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Various Boring bar sets</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £110...</strong></font>
<font face=Arial>....................................</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong>PCLNR 2525 M12</strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>1 Holder, 20 Inserts</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £85...</strong></font>
<strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial>PDJNR 2525 & DNMG 1506 Sets</font></strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 21px"><u><br></u></font><font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" color=#000000 face=Arial>1 off PDJNR 2525-15 plus<br>20 off DNMG 1506** 2N or 4T Grade NL30 / NL40 or NL92</font>
<font face=Arial>.....................................</font>
<strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html" target=_self>HSS Rippa Sets</a></font></strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 21px"><u><br></u></font><font style="FONT-SIZE: 13px" color=#000000 face=Arial><font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px">844-NR set M42 cobalt coarse pitch comprising 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm & 20mm dia <br><br>844-NF set M42 cobalt fine pitch comprising 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm & 20mm dia</font> </font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 13px" color=#000000 face=Arial>...................................... </font>
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<font style="FONT-SIZE: 10px"><font face=Arial><font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" color=#000000>when you purchase</font></font></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>20 ODET 150508 RK40G</font>
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<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Various Endmill sets</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" face=Arial><strong>from £18...</strong></font>
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<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html" target=_self>Threading Box Sets</a></strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Threading tool box sets</font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>incuding tools and inserts</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £160...</strong></font>
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<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html">V-Cut Scoring Blades</a></strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Standard & Reversable</font>
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<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>Various Boring bar sets</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £110...</strong></font>
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<font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><strong>PCLNR 2525 M12</strong></font>
<font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" face=Arial>1 Holder, 20 Inserts</font>
<font face=Arial><strong>from £85...</strong></font>
<strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial>PDJNR 2525 & DNMG 1506 Sets</font></strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 21px"><u><br></u></font><font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px" color=#000000 face=Arial>1 off PDJNR 2525-15 plus<br>20 off DNMG 1506** 2N or 4T Grade NL30 / NL40 or NL92</font>
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<strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 16px" color=#ff0000 face=Arial><a href="http://www.glendower.co.uk/promotions.html" target=_self>HSS Rippa Sets</a></font></strong><font style="FONT-SIZE: 21px"><u><br></u></font><font style="FONT-SIZE: 13px" color=#000000 face=Arial><font style="FONT-SIZE: 14px">844-NR set M42 cobalt coarse pitch comprising 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm & 20mm dia <br><br>844-NF set M42 cobalt fine pitch comprising 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm & 20mm dia</font> </font>
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<font style="font-size:16px" color="#000000" face="Times New Roman">Thank you for contacting <a href="./index.php" class="style3">Glendower Cutting Tools Ltd</a> using our online form.<br>
We will get back to you with an answer to your query as soon as possible.<br>
In the meantime, please enjoy the rest of the site.<br>
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echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="#000000" face="Arial">Hello '.$Forename. ', thank you for your submission. '</font>';
- Navaldesign
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You have a quote ' after the word "submission". Remove it.
Please also note that the Preview object is the last one in your page. This means that though you will no longer get errors, the variable will probably not display.
So make sure to click on the text that includes the variable and Move it to Front.
Please also note that the Preview object is the last one in your page. This means that though you will no longer get errors, the variable will probably not display.
So make sure to click on the text that includes the variable and Move it to Front.
Thank youNavaldesign wrote:You have a quote ' after the word "submission". Remove it.
Please also note that the Preview object is the last one in your page. This means that though you will no longer get errors, the variable will probably not display.
So make sure to click on the text that includes the variable and Move it to Front.
never writen any code before I just copied it from your manual copy & paste
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Last edited by chattd on Wed Nov 25, 2009 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Auto Responder
Could you explain why, when i fill out the form it will not sent a auto respond 'Confirmation' to the person who filled in the form with his email address. Hope you understand this
Could you explain why, when i fill out the form it will not sent a auto respond 'Confirmation' to the person who filled in the form with his email address. Hope you understand this
- Navaldesign
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Two views sent to my email
Seems to be working great now thanks.
Just one thing when I recieve an email there are two form submissions
one from WB standard form and one from DBTS_Form_Processor. I only want the view from DBTS_Form_Processor, Is there any way to switch WB standard off.
Seems to be working great now thanks.
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Just one thing when I recieve an email there are two form submissions
one from WB standard form and one from DBTS_Form_Processor. I only want the view from DBTS_Form_Processor, Is there any way to switch WB standard off.
- Navaldesign
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You have probably still checked the "Enable built in form Processor" checkbox in the form properties.
Uncheck it.
And set the form action correctly (see manual). It is, right now set correctly, because the built in Form Processor was enabled, but when you disable it, the form action needs to be set correctly. See manual.
Uncheck it.
And set the form action correctly (see manual). It is, right now set correctly, because the built in Form Processor was enabled, but when you disable it, the form action needs to be set correctly. See manual.
Please help!!!
I have unchecked the "Enable built in form Processor" checkbox in the form properties. but all that happens now is it goes to the error page when i try and submit a form. I have read the manual but with no luck
could please help me in this matter.
I have unchecked the "Enable built in form Processor" checkbox in the form properties. but all that happens now is it goes to the error page when i try and submit a form. I have read the manual but with no luck
could please help me in this matter.
- Navaldesign
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Re: I need a Help
Let me see if I have correctly understood: You need to have an email sent to you (Admin) and an autoresponder email sent to the customer, PLUS a notification email sent to a third party ?Johann wrote:Hello !!!
I am designing a website with WB6 and I built a web form
with this technology, but I have a question ??
I need to X client (somebody) receive the form data when he taped your
e-mail in the form. That=B4s is posible, How Can I do That, the point is:
We have a Car Rental Business intranet, so we need the costumer
service agent tape any e-mail of his client and send the information to thi=
A review the tutorial but there are Administration mail and Autoresponse
mail but this not work in this case.
I need your help about this topic.
Thank you
If yes, you can use an include to send this third email, which has to be custom built, OR, if you are happy with that third party receiving the same email as the admin, you can simply add his email address in the Admin email field
- Navaldesign
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Re: Please help!!!
If you have correctly set the error page, it should report the actual error that is happening. What's the error message ?chattd wrote:Hi
I have unchecked the "Enable built in form Processor" checkbox in the form properties. but all that happens now is it goes to the error page when i try and submit a form. I have read the manual but with no luck
could please help me in this matter.
(The error page should contain the text ##error## which will be automatically replaced by the actual error message).
Post here the error message so we can see what's wrong.
- Navaldesign
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http://www.glendower.co.uk/enquiry_form.phpNavaldesign wrote:If you have enabled the Force reCAPTCA by setting it to Yes but you have no reCAPTCHA in your form, it will give you this error. A link to the form pls ?
- Navaldesign
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Perfect Thanks for your help. I do try and read manuals obviously with not much success. Thanks againNavaldesign wrote:Your form encoding type is set to "text/plain" instead of the correct "multipart/form data" so NO values are passed to the script.
Change it, save, publish, and Refresh your browser to test.
Pls read carefully the manual, these instructions are included.
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- Navaldesign
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- Navaldesign
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I'm sorry but there is no question (at least not one that I understand).
This extension is a form processor, that is used to process your form submissions. It is NOT supposed to show (display) anything at all, it will work only in the background to process the info submitted by a form.
No form, no need for this extension to be used in your page.
This extension is a form processor, that is used to process your form submissions. It is NOT supposed to show (display) anything at all, it will work only in the background to process the info submitted by a form.
No form, no need for this extension to be used in your page.
Hivoltagenh wrote:ok. but then my question still remain,
when i drag this to stage, and publish
nothing shows
You need to set up a form first using the form section on the left hand side, get that to publish first make sure it works, then come back.
3 pages needed:
success.php or html
error.php or html
I made mine all php
I would like to use DBTS form processor to handle user signup for a newsletter with recaptcha. As part of the signup I would like to validate user's email by having them enter it twice.
Where do I put the validation code so that it fires correctly when the submit button is clicked?
form = form1
inputbox1 = email
inputbox2 = verify_email
I've seen elsewhere on this forum I could use javascript similar to below, but I am not sure where to insert it:
<script language="javascript">
document.forms[0].onsubmit = function()
(this.elements['email'].value != this.elements['verify_email'].value)
alert('emails do not match');
return false;
return true;
thanks much
Where do I put the validation code so that it fires correctly when the submit button is clicked?
form = form1
inputbox1 = email
inputbox2 = verify_email
I've seen elsewhere on this forum I could use javascript similar to below, but I am not sure where to insert it:
<script language="javascript">
document.forms[0].onsubmit = function()
(this.elements['email'].value != this.elements['verify_email'].value)
alert('emails do not match');
return false;
return true;
thanks much
- Navaldesign
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- Navaldesign
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- Navaldesign
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- Navaldesign
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- Navaldesign
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I've read the DBTS manual on custom includes but I am not really sure how to get started. Do you perhaps have any examples you have built that implement this kind of functionality that I could learn from? e.g. a form that does password setting with verify would be the same as what I need to do here.Navaldesign wrote:Javascript acts on local (visitor's computer) level.
To validate through PHP you need to use the DBTS Form Processor ability to use custom includes.
The eventual error will be reported in the error page.
order of fields
Just added some extra text fields into my form, but when i recieve email they are not in the same order as i designed them, probably a simple solution but can't find it. please help. Also how can you get the form to check that both email address are the same
- Navaldesign
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- Navaldesign
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It means that you need to write some code of your own, to perform this validation, and then save / upload it on your server, in the DBTS Form Processor/dbts_includes folder, and provide, in the extension properties, in the Includes section, the path to this file as Before Error Reporting Include.
The script will retrieve your code, it will perform the necessary validation, and if the two email addresses are not the same, it will report the error.
The script will retrieve your code, it will perform the necessary validation, and if the two email addresses are not the same, it will report the error.
- Navaldesign
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As stated in the Manual, this feature is for advanced users only, that can do some coding. Otherwise I would need to create the necessary code for any request that is made in this forum (starting from your own, going to credit card validations, to department submission, conditional submissions etc.... The list is endless..)
As you understand I can't provide such type of support... This is part of my professional doing. If you wish you can contact me on a private basis through my site form.
As you understand I can't provide such type of support... This is part of my professional doing. If you wish you can contact me on a private basis through my site form.
- Navaldesign
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Good afternoon, George;
Can I safely assume that ABVFP must be completely removed before downloading and installing this new form processor?
Is there a simple way to copy the data from the ABVFP database to the new database created for DBTS form processor?
Thanks for the great work!
Can I safely assume that ABVFP must be completely removed before downloading and installing this new form processor?
Is there a simple way to copy the data from the ABVFP database to the new database created for DBTS form processor?
Thanks for the great work!
Ron Hills
Johnson City, NY USA
Johnson City, NY USA
- Navaldesign
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ABVFP is an online processor, so you don't need to remove it in order to work with the DBTS Form Processor Extension.
You can use the same Database, and probably (never tried it) the same table . Simply specify, in the DBTS Form processor properties, the same database and table as well as username and password.
You might want to make a test submission, as the column names created by DBTS FP might be slightly different from those created by ABVFP. I suggest the following procedure:
1. Make a test submission with the DBTS FP (to the same DB - table)
2. Enter your hosting account, phpMyAdmin, select the database and table used till now.
3. See if DBTS FP has added new columns, similar to those created previously by ABVFP.
4. If you have similar names (example: timestamp and Timestamp), DROP the newly created column, then RENAME the corresponding columns created in the past by ABVFP to have the same name as the new ones created by DBTS FP.
At this point you should be done.
You can use the same Database, and probably (never tried it) the same table . Simply specify, in the DBTS Form processor properties, the same database and table as well as username and password.
You might want to make a test submission, as the column names created by DBTS FP might be slightly different from those created by ABVFP. I suggest the following procedure:
1. Make a test submission with the DBTS FP (to the same DB - table)
2. Enter your hosting account, phpMyAdmin, select the database and table used till now.
3. See if DBTS FP has added new columns, similar to those created previously by ABVFP.
4. If you have similar names (example: timestamp and Timestamp), DROP the newly created column, then RENAME the corresponding columns created in the past by ABVFP to have the same name as the new ones created by DBTS FP.
At this point you should be done.
Thanks for the speedy reply!
What are the PROS and CONS of using DBTS FP versus using ABVFP?
Also: Previously in this thread questions were asked about attachments and maximum file size. I can't remember what the site was, but a while back I uploaded severals photos and each time I added another photo it displayed the TOTAL upload file size. When I reached the maximum it showed a warning that I had exceeded the max upload allowed.
Obviously there was some knid of script running in the background (maybe ajax?) updating the total size. This might be a nice addition at some point in the future to either or both form processors.
Thanks again for all your help!
What are the PROS and CONS of using DBTS FP versus using ABVFP?
Also: Previously in this thread questions were asked about attachments and maximum file size. I can't remember what the site was, but a while back I uploaded severals photos and each time I added another photo it displayed the TOTAL upload file size. When I reached the maximum it showed a warning that I had exceeded the max upload allowed.
Obviously there was some knid of script running in the background (maybe ajax?) updating the total size. This might be a nice addition at some point in the future to either or both form processors.
Thanks again for all your help!
Ron Hills
Johnson City, NY USA
Johnson City, NY USA
- Navaldesign
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Hi Ron,
The only thing that ABVFP has which is not present in the DBTS FP is the field validation using PHP. Which, with a little of php experience, can be added as include.
DBTS FP instead has LOTS of additional features compared to ABVFP (which is now being developed as a professional script, in its 3rd version, and will include these features) :
Includes, HTML enail, mail engine control, attachments to the autoresponder mail, logo in the mails, customizable look of the mails, storage of info in CSV file, file type validation, total attachment size (not real time though, as you suggested), multipage form support, preview / confirmation page, recaptcha support, form fields values preservation, ability to include or not technical info, etc. See the first page in the DBTS FP thread to see the features.
The only thing that ABVFP has which is not present in the DBTS FP is the field validation using PHP. Which, with a little of php experience, can be added as include.
DBTS FP instead has LOTS of additional features compared to ABVFP (which is now being developed as a professional script, in its 3rd version, and will include these features) :
Includes, HTML enail, mail engine control, attachments to the autoresponder mail, logo in the mails, customizable look of the mails, storage of info in CSV file, file type validation, total attachment size (not real time though, as you suggested), multipage form support, preview / confirmation page, recaptcha support, form fields values preservation, ability to include or not technical info, etc. See the first page in the DBTS FP thread to see the features.
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problem with sesion
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by ( on line ![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/icon_cool.gif)
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent ( on line 8
Why am I getting these errors when I try to load this sample form?
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/icon_cool.gif)
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent ( on line 8
Why am I getting these errors when I try to load this sample form?
- Navaldesign
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Sample form ? Not sure what you mean.
Do you have other code in the Start of Page ?
If Yes, pls remove it. the processor code must be the very first code in the page code. Even a white line is output to the browser, thus causing the above error.
If you wish, copy / paste your page code here so i can see what your issue is.
Do you have other code in the Start of Page ?
If Yes, pls remove it. the processor code must be the very first code in the page code. Even a white line is output to the browser, thus causing the above error.
If you wish, copy / paste your page code here so i can see what your issue is.
Ticket system
Happy New Year
Hi, Is there anyway to add a ticket system instead of replying via email address, Example http://www.svp.co.uk/contact.php
Hi, Is there anyway to add a ticket system instead of replying via email address, Example http://www.svp.co.uk/contact.php
- Navaldesign
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Hi George
Could you please help me with the form.
I have made a normal form in WB6 and set the properties in the form to this:
Action= (it's blank)
Method = post
Encoding type = multipart/form-data
I have unticked the built in php form processorpart of the WB6 form properties
Next I have put your extension on the page, and filled in relevant data that I require.
On my server in the public_html folder I have created a directory called "xyz123" and in there put a filename called "name.pdf"
In the auto responder of the form I want the attachment "name.pdf" to be attached to the person who has filled in the email form
As the administrator I get the sign up form part ok. As the visitor to the site I get the form auto responder, but no attachment.
I have tried putting different things in the attachment part of your autoresponder settings of your extesnion - eg /xyz123/name.pdf
and http://www.mydomain.com/xyz123/name.pdf and also moved the "name.pdf into the directory "dbts_includes" on the server but the visitor still gets no attachment.
Any ideas?
Thank you as always
Could you please help me with the form.
I have made a normal form in WB6 and set the properties in the form to this:
Action= (it's blank)
Method = post
Encoding type = multipart/form-data
I have unticked the built in php form processorpart of the WB6 form properties
Next I have put your extension on the page, and filled in relevant data that I require.
On my server in the public_html folder I have created a directory called "xyz123" and in there put a filename called "name.pdf"
In the auto responder of the form I want the attachment "name.pdf" to be attached to the person who has filled in the email form
As the administrator I get the sign up form part ok. As the visitor to the site I get the form auto responder, but no attachment.
I have tried putting different things in the attachment part of your autoresponder settings of your extesnion - eg /xyz123/name.pdf
and http://www.mydomain.com/xyz123/name.pdf and also moved the "name.pdf into the directory "dbts_includes" on the server but the visitor still gets no attachment.
Any ideas?
Thank you as always