Help keep this INDEX up to date - An outdated INDEX is worth little !!! - Contact/Send info to :
EB 1.5+ = WB6 | EB 2.0+ = WB6.5+ | EB 2.5+ = WB7+ | EB 4.0+ = WB8.2+ | EB 4.2+ = WB9.0+ | EB 4.3+ = WB9.4+ | EB 5.1+ = WB10.3+ | EB 6.0+ = WB14+(+64bit)
(BUILDER) = Extension May Not Be Available!
Last added extension: MISCELLANEOUS > MISC. : Reference Number | GrahamW | 18.oct.2018
XFade Slideshow - EB 1.2.0
-- smartmedia
Sliding Panel Photo Wall - EB 2.6.0
Supersized Slideshow - EB 2.6.0
-- Patrik iden
Cool jQuery Gallery - EB 4.x.x
-- supersonictt
-- jordan
jor_ultimslideshow - EB 4.1.0
jor_cu3er3Dslider - EB 4.1.0 - Html, Xhtml
jor_piecemaker2 - EB 4.1.0 - Html, Xhtml
jor_s3slider - EB 4.1.0 - Html, Xhtml
-- Eddy
PhotoStack Image viewer - EB 2.0.2 - Html
Carousel - EB 2.0.2 - Html
Thumb Gallery w/o HTML and CSS - EB 2.0.2 - Html
Polaroid Gallery - EB 2.0.2 - Html
Flash images scroller - EB 2.0.2 - Html
-- (Adendum)
Supersized Slideshow - EB 3.0.1
Animated Image Grid - EB 4.2.0
Orbit Slider - EB 3.0.1
Photo Info - EB 3.0.1
CSS Image Information Panels - EB 3.0.1
CSS Stacked Images - EB 3.0.1
Text Panel Slide Show - EB 3.0.1
Gallerific - EB 3.0.1
Awkward Showcase - EB 3.0.1
Camera Slideshow - EB 3.0.1
Merging Image Boxes - EB 3.0.1
Elastic Image Slideshow - EB 4.0.0
Audio SlideShow - EB 4.2.0
-- (BaconFries)
Jw Image Rotator - EB 2.6.0 - Html, Xhtml
Easy slider - EB 4.0.0 - Html
Hoverbox Image gallery - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Photoflow/Photoflip - EB 1.2.0
Polaroid Gallery v1.01 - EB 2.6.x
Animated Javascript Slideshow - EB 2.0.3 - Html, Xhtml
Highslide Single Image - EB 2.0.3 - Html, Xhtml
jQuery Slideshow w/Caption - EB 2.5.2 - Html, Xhtml
jQuery Cycle Slideshow - EB 2.6.0 - Html, Xhtml
Scrollerota Slideshow - EB 2.6.0 - Html, Xhtml
Sliderota Slideshow - EB 4.0.0
SliderNews - EB 4.0.0 - Html, Xhtml
Auto Viewer
Conveyer Belt Slideshow
Photo Album
Postcard Viewer
Simple Viewer
Silverlight Slideshow
Online Photo Album
Online Photo Gallery
Online Slide Show
Film Strip
jQuery Montage
Jssor Slider
Unite Gallery
Light Slider
Justified Gallery
Masonry Gallery - paid
iFrame LightBox - EB 2.0.3
jQuery Video Lightbox - EB 2.0.3
-- NigelShaw
FSL_Greybox slim image
-- Redneckheaven
Lightbox Viewer - EB 4.2.0
-- jordan
jor_sexylightbox EB 4.1.0 -Html,Xhtml
-- Eddy
Slimbox customized - EB 2.0.2 - Html
Thumbnail Slider - Slimbox - EB 2.6.0 - Html, Xhtml
-- (BaconFries)
Backbox image viewer - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Greybox gallery - EB 2.5.2 - Html, Xhtml
Greybox browser - EB 2.5.2 - Html, Xhtml
Greybox OneSite - EB 2.5.2 - Html, Xhtml
Greybox Fullpage - EB 2.5.2 - Html, Xhtml
Greybox Browser Image - EB 2.5.2 - Html, Xhtml
Highslide Mini - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Lightbox Slideshow - EB 2.0.3 - Html, Xhtml
jQuery Lightbox - EB 2.0.3 - Html, Xhtml
Lightbox 2.0.3a with hyperlinks - EB 2.0.3 - Html, Xhtml
Lightbox iFrame - EB 2.0.3 - Html, Xhtml
prettyPhoto Gallery - EB 2.5.2 - Html, Xhtml
Lightbox Print - EB 3.0.1 - Html, Xhtml
Lightbox Text - EB 3.0.1
Highslide PDF display - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
- FORM :
DBTEchnosystems Form Proc. - EB 2.6.1
DBTS CSV Manager - EB 2.6.1
-- [RZ]
Form Placeholders - EB 4.x.x - Html
Simple Captcha - EB 4.x.x - Html
-- me.prosenjeet
News letter & Mailing list - EB 1.2.0
Blog full fledged - EB 1.2.0
Auto Email - EB 1.2.0
-- Tessel
Tell a Friend
Message Scroller b1
Message Scroller - EB 1.5.0
-- retor2010
Captcha without font - EB 2.0.3
-- Patrik iden
Ajax e-mail submitter - EB 4.x.x
Simple Password Generator - EB 4.x.x
Ajax Commenting Admin System - EB 4.x.x
S3 Captcha system
Password strength checker
-- Eddy
Simple php Emailform+captcha code - EB 2.0.2
PHP Guestbook w/s aSPAM prot.1.7 - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
-- mathieu_bond
Checkbox On/Off - EB 4.x.x
-- supersonictt
Editbox & TextArea Character Limiter
-- (BaconFries)
Draggable Captcha - EB 4.x.x
PHP Guestbook w/s aSPAM prot.1.6
PHP Guestbook
Are You A Human?
MySQL Connector
Random Question Captcha
File Uploader
Invisible reCaptcha
Age Validation
Age Verification
DBTS Admin Object/WB Login - EB 2.6.1
-- me.prosenjeet
Lock page(s) - EB 1.5.0
cPanel Email login d/from page - EB 2.x.x
-- SUB
Logged in user 2.1 - EB 1.2.0
Logged in user - EB 1.2.0
Logged in user v2 - EB 1.2.0
Newest Member v1 - EB 1.2.0
Total Members v1 - EB 1.2.0
Total Members MYSQL Edition - EB 2.6.1
- FX :
Lightweight Peel FX - EB 2.x.x
Parallax (image + container) - EB x.x.x - Html
Turn off the light - EB x.x.x - Html
Image DragScroll - EB 4.x.x - Html
Stretchable page frame - EB 4.x.x - Html
-- zinc
Cursor Comet Trail - EB 5.x.x
-- jordan
jor_transition - EB 4.1.0 - Html, Xhtml
jor_fonteffect - EB 4.1.0- Html, Xhtml
jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 - EB 5.3.2 - Html, Xhtml
jorAMP_RandomIt - EB 4.1.0 -Html, Xhtml
jorAMP_ZoomWrap - EB 4.1.0 - Html, Xhtml
jorAMP_HitaBox - EB 4.1.0 - Html, Xhtml
jor_anibanner - EB 4.1.0- Html, Xhtml
-- SUB
Object ID Fader - EB 3.0.1
-- Patrik iden
Curved text
Shimmering button
XSprite - EB 4.3.0
-- tribone
SFIR anti alias fonts - EB 1.5.0
-- harville
Multiple Background - EB 2.x.x
-- smartmedia
Before/After Image - EB 2.6.0
-- sailorspy
Before/After Image - EB 5.3.2
-- brianholder
Fancy Titles - EB 5.x.x
-- Eddy
Peelaway - EB 2.0.2 - Html
Pageflip Album - EB 2.0.2 - Html
PageCurl - EB 2.0.2 - Html
-- (BaconFries)
Gradual Image Fader/Text - EB 1.2.0
Background Image Changer - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Full Size Background Image jQuery - EB 2.5.0 - Html, Xhtml
-- (Adendum)
Picstrips - EB 4.x.x
Google Text
Text Halo
Random Image
Ransom Note
Party Text
Glass Button
3D SHAPE 1.0
Pop Art
jQuery Toolkit
jQuery Blur
Css Sprite Image
Shaped Text
Shiny Button
CSS Ribbon
jQuery Shadow
CSS3 Animation Menu
Circle Progressbar
Quotes Rotator
jQuery GoUp
Fit Text
Clip Text
Particles Button
- MENU :
Slidable fullsize ad
-- me.prosenjeet
Fixed Nav. Slide Out (rebuild) - EB 4.x.x
-- Patrick iden
Responsive Menu
Multi Responsive Menu
-- alexmasss
Responsive jQuery FAQ
-- r3za
Content Tabs w/CSS3
-- jordan
jor_accordion - EB 4.1.0 - Html, Xhtml
jor_easyslide - EB 4.1.0 - Html, Xhtml
jor_expander - EB 4.1.0 - Html, Xhtml
-- presto
Vista Button Menu - EB 2.0.4
-- smartmedia
Bottom Slide Out - EB 2.x.x
Rocking and Rolling Rounded - EB 2.6.0
Overlay Effect - EB 2.6.0
Fixed Nav. Slide Out - EB 2.6.0
Beautiful Background Image Nav. - EB 2.6.0
-- Eddy
Photowidget Image Tagcloud - EB 2.0.2 - Html
Wobbling 3D Carousel - EB 2.0.2 - Html
-- (Adendum)
Simple Horizontal Accordion - EB 3.0.1
Anything Slider - EB 2.6.0
Image Swap Menu - EB 3.0.1
Slide Down Box Menu - EB 3.0.1
Tab Slide Out - EB 2.6.0
Elastic Thumbnail Menu - EB 3.0.1
CSS3 Kick Butt Mega Menu - EB 3.0.1
Chained Selects - EB 3.0.1
Overlay Menu - EB 3.0.1
Dropline Menu - EB 4.0.1
Quicksand Portfolio - EB 4.x.x
Animated Buttons - EB 4.2.0
-- (BaconFries)
Sliding jQuery Menu - EB 4.0.1
Vertical Dock Menu - EB 2.0.3 - Html, Xhtml
Drop Down Panel - EB 2.6.0 - Html, Xhtml
Sprite Menu - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Slider Effect Menu - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Sliding Menu accordion - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Dock Menu - EB 2.6.x - Html
jQuery Tabs Widget
jQuery Accordion Widget
Accordion Menu
Simple Menu
JSCookTree Menu
Responsive Drop Down Menu
Slim Menu
Horizontal Drop Down
Full Screen Menu
Bootstrap Menu
AllWebMenus - paid
Bootstrap Accordion Menu - paid
Bootstrap Navigation Bar - paid
Expandable Panel Menu - paid
Fullscreen Overlay Menu - paid
Multi Level Panel Menu - paid
Responsive Multi Level Menu - paid
Responsive Overlay Menu - paid
Radial Icon - paid
Radial Text - paid
Bootstrap Mega - paid
Responsive Sidebar - paid
Animated Line - paid
Perspective Menu - paid
Filter Menu - paid
Circle Menu - paid
Fan Menu - paid
Animated Drop Down - paid
Elastic Menu - paid
Gooey Menu - paid
Slideout Panel Menu - paid
Tooltip Menu - paid
Web RadioPlayer - EB 1.5.0
-- (BaconFries)
E-Phonic Mp3 player - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
AudioPlay Mp3 button - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Easy MP3 (english) - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
single MP3 (english) - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Audio Player 2.0/1pixelout - EB 3.0.1
DewPlayer Mp3 single/multi - EB 2.6.0 - Html, Xhtml
MP3 Player
HTML5 audio player
Vimeo player - EB 4.x.x
-- Eddy
Video Lightbox - EB 2.0.2 - Html
-- (BaconFries)
Highslide Vimeo player - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
NonVerBlaster (english) - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Highslide JW player - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Highslide MySpaceVideo player - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Highslide YouTube player - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
Highslide Multi YouTube player - EB 2.0.2 - Html, Xhtml
jqVideoBox - EB 3.0.1
FLV Player
HTML5 video player