WYSIWYG Web Builder 4.3.2 now available!

All the latest news about WYSIWYG Web Builder can be read in this section

*** The current version is: WYSIWYG Web Builder 20.1.0 ***

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WYSIWYG Web Builder 4.3.2 now available!

Post by Pablo »

This is a maintenance release. WYSIWYG Web Builder 4.3.2 fixes all known problems and introduces many improvements.

- Fixed: Problem with Background image undo.
- Fixed: Some minor improvements in Embedded OLE handling.
- Fixed: Remove link problem.
- Fixed: Layer Manager ids did not update after name change.
- Fixed: Link synchronisation problems with equally named pages.
- Fixed: Small bug in Ready-To-Use-Javascript properties window.
- Fixed: Verify links tool removed style class from text links.
- Fixed: Drawing issues when page was loaded while WWB was in the background, resulting in mysterious 'black frames'.
- Fixed: Table cell background repeat HTML.
- Fixed: Don't publish for a folder option did not work as expected.
- Improved: Mouse scroll wheel now also works in text edit mode.
- Improved: Text editor is now also transparent in edit mode.
- Improved: Unused styles are no longer added to the HTML output.
- Improved: Several improvements in the built-in ftp publish tool.
- Improved: Optimized drawing speed (especially for larger projects).
- Improved: Various other speed improvements (moving objects, shape and image clipping).

How to update from previous 4.x versions?
1. Download version 4.3.2 here:
2. If you already have version 4.x you can install it over your previous version. Make sure you select the same folder!

Advanced users can also download the update files only here (no installer):