Here is a useful extension which we have been using and hope you like it.
This extension require a database but I am happy to develop an extension without needing a database but I have to charge you some amount. Please let me know if interested.
so for now this is how it comes:
Demo: ... ubscriber/
Download: ...
This is a very simple, safe and neat News subscriber with ability:
1- Subscribe email
2- Check if email is already subscribed or not and inform the user
3- Save all emails in database
4- View all emails in admin page
5- Ability to add or remove un-subscription option
- To have this News Subscriber up and running, you must first create a database.
- When created a database you need to import news.sql into your database OR execute below statement in your sql query area
CREATE TABLE `emails` (
`email` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`email`)
- (If you are not sure how to do above, you then need to search Google to find out how)
- Drag and drop the extension to the page. (It does not matter if your page extension is html or php.
- Enter the details for database into the extension
- Choose a strong admin password
- Admin page to view the list of emails is: Basically you can install it on any page and directory and admin page will be accessible from directory and then /subscribe/list.php
“Bear in mind that in this version you only will get the list of emails and then you have to email your customers”
New Version (in couple of months) which will be a paid extension:
- Ability to get users’s name if needed
- Ability to send group emails directly from admin page.
It works with WB8.2 and higher.