Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

In the "auto_email.php" file in the dbts_includes folder.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »


the "cart" folder contains the server files, so it might be old.

But, if you read the instructions, it is mentioned that you should open the WWB project, customize the pages and then publish them.

If you did so, you would see that the cart1 page Start of Page code is amended.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by supersonictt »

Hello Navaldesign,

I am working on a site that sells cellular recharge cards.
In my country, we have 3 mobile networks, and each network has 4 recharge amounts; 1, 3,5 and 9 dollars.
So the interface will be really simple; the visitor selects the network from a dropdown menu, then he chooses the recharge amount.
Paying will be through paypal. Now here is the dilemma: after the transaction is successful, the visitor should be directed to a page where the 14 digits recharge number will appear, OR, he will recieve an email containing the 14 digits recharge number. So no physical items are sold, just like purchasing WWB software (through a download).
Is that possible to be done with WebShop Plus 3.2?
The first thing that crossed my mind is this should be done with mysql or so, I purchase the the cards containing the 14 digits, fill them (in a way) in the database, and when someone makes a purchase, one 14 digits card will be deleted from the database and this number is sent to him by email.

Thank you.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

Possible, through a Database or through a file, but in all cases requires custom coding.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by supersonictt »

Navaldesign wrote:but in all cases requires custom coding.
You mean for deleating the purchased cards, right?
And by the way thanks for the quick reply :)
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

For reading the first available number and then marking it as "sold"
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by supersonictt »

Oh ok, thanks a lot for that, I will look into this :)
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by etcbbu »

This Webshop is AWESOME.

I am now reading through the Webshop_Plus_v3_Manual.pdf file.

I'm wondering if anyone has any insight for me, as I have

- downloaded Webshop Plus! .zip file onto my computer
- logged on to my root folder on FTP, and moved the entire "cart" folder from my harddrive onto my root.
- logged onto my domain, which was <mydomain.com>/cart/admin
- I've now logged in, and have filled out the "Admin Details" tab

But before I move forward with all of the set-up and customization that I need to do and everything, here are the two reasons I wanted to post what I'm doing right now:

1) - I want to make sure that it sounds like I have done everything correctly up until now.

2) - I have to make sure this Webshop solution can do this *one* thing I'm trying to do: I'm trying to see if I can make it to where the customer can set the price they want to pay, and then paypal will let them pay that price that the customer sets, each time the customer purchases a product. I just want to make sure that I can configure this webshop to do this, before I continue anymore on installing it. This is what is the whole purpose of my web-store--I just need it to sell a gift card. That's *literally* the only thing I need to sell on it. So that's literally one product. I just need users to be able to enter in the price they want for the gift-card, though, and then PayPal charge them for that amount.

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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

You can do it simply removing, from the "product form" the hidden field named "price" and adding, instead, in the form, a field named "price" so the users can fill in the amount they like.

However, seems so complicated using a Webshop when you can do the same thing using a simple PayPal "Buy now" or "Pay now" button.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by etcbbu »

But...the "Buy Now" and "Pay Now" make you chooes concrete, static price amounts, don't they..? Because I thought I looked into that--you can't really leave it open for the user to type in a specific amount and have them pay, can you?


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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

You can

1. Use a Buy Now button, leaving the price blank. The user will be asked to fill in the amount, in PayPal's site. In this case add a line of text informing the users of this.


2. Recreate the PayPal button. The PayPal button is nothing more than a form with hidden fields. So have a look at the code, and recreate a standard WWB form.

Add the necessary action, hidden fields etc as per original PayPal button code.

Add, in this form, an editbox named "amount" and REMOVE from this form the hidden field also named amount. So the user fills in the amount and he clicks to get redirected to PayPal for the payment.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by etcbbu »

As far the first option you mentioned: Leave the "Price" blank--THAtT'S IT!? Hahahaha, I'm so limited it's funny sometimes--why didn't I think of that..? I always make things more complicated than they are.

As far as the second option you mentioned, is the bigger advantage to that, that the user can type in on the page how much they want to donate, before having to do it form PayPal's site? Ok, so I'm looking at code, for example, for a "Donations" button I have on a site, and it's

Code: Select all

<form target="PayPal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" style="margin:0;padding:0;">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="lenhamw@aol.com">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="receiver_email" value="[b]<e-mail address here>[/b]">
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
<div id="PayPal1" style="position:absolute;left:537px;top:479px;width:67px;height:37px;z-index:21">
<input type="image" name="submit" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but04.gif" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;" alt="Make payments with PayPal, it's fast, free, and secure!">
Now I pretty much see how I would craft all that; I think, except:

- is "form target" just the name of the form?
- does the "action = https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr " mean I would just paste https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr into the "Action" blank, in the "Form properties", form within WB?
- now all the "input type=hidden" ones are hidden fields, I also do from "Form properties" >> "Hidden fields" tab, correct?
- I know that I can ignore "div id" and "style" because those are just IDs I give it, and its position on the page, correct?
- how would I do the <input type="image" name="submit" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but04.gif" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;" alt="Make payments with PayPal, it's fast, free, and secure!"> part?

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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

Create a PayPal buy now button using WWB's standard tool.
Set its properties just as you want them (email, etc)
Right click it, select HTML

Copy the button code in Notepad

Now add a form in your page. Add a editbox and name it "amount"

Double click the form and set its properties as follows:

Action: what you see in the code you have in Notepad.
Target: Paypal
Encoding type: leave blank
Method= POST

Now, add in this form, the SAME (EXACTLY) hidden fields that you see in the original button code, EXEPT for the "amount"

You can add a simple Submit button, or copy one of the many PayPal Buy Now button images you can find on the net. If you choose this last option, insert in your form an "image button" that will work as "Submit" button.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »


I'm afraid that I have no such script (extension) !

Probably you have used such an extension by some other forrum member. Please verify and address your questions in the proper thread.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by etcbbu »

Navaldesign wrote:Create a PayPal buy now button using WWB's standard tool.
Set its properties just as you want them (email, etc)
Right click it, select HTML

Copy the button code in Notepad

Now add a form in your page. Add a editbox and name it "amount"

Double click the form and set its properties as follows:

Action: what you see in the code you have in Notepad.
Target: Paypal
Encoding type: leave blank
Method= POST

Now, add in this form, the SAME (EXACTLY) hidden fields that you see in the original button code, EXEPT for the "amount"

You can add a simple Submit button, or copy one of the many PayPal Buy Now button images you can find on the net. If you choose this last option, insert in your form an "image button" that will work as "Submit" button.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to write that out for me, man! I think I did it right, check me out here:


Scroll down and take a look where the user types in the value and let me know if that looks right!

AGHHH! This is so cool, man!

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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

Yes, it lloks right and behaves so. Maybe you need to make the amount editbox font size a bit smaller ?
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by etcbbu »

Ok great; thanks Navaldesign.

I will now stop hijacking this topic and taking it into such a different direction :) .


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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

The cart pages contain code. So you should go the other way round: use the demo project pages, adapting them (visually) to your own site theme.

Alternativelly, you can copy / paste the forms (but some elements, like the cart page buttons need to be checked, as they might loose their names when pasting) and ALSO copy / paste the code in Page HTML (in Start of Page and End of Page, also in Between <head> ...</head>) in the exact same position of your own pages.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by iamafireman »

Has the Protected Download been added yet? If not do you plan on adding it or do you still offer it as a paid product?
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

No, have no plans for adding this feature, at least not for now.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by richardgo »

Hi Naval,

First of all I like to thank you for the good work you are doing and have done!

I only have one question, would there be any possibility that you will add the payment type iDEAL to the shopping cards? It is a very common method of payment in The Netherlands and would be great to have this included because I really want to use your tool.

Hope you can help me out?

Kind regards,

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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

I'm not familiar with Ideal. From what I have heard about Ideal, there is no standard solution for implementation as it depends on the actual payment gateway.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

Yes, but what would you need Webshop Plus for then ?? I mean, the whole idea is to store all data: order details, customer details, delivery details, potential custom details and files etc. and be able to review them, list them, export in Excel, print, edit as required. If you do (it is possible but with some code amendments) what you suggested, all this data will not be even provided by the customer. So you are abolishing the cart features...

To do what you want, use the standard PayPal cart instead.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Patrik iden »

I think you could modify the Paypal cart a little have a look here:



Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by hlohmeyerphoto »

How do I change the "option, price variation" to a percentage increase instead of a fixed price? Thanks.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

hlohmeyerphoto wrote:How do I change the "option, price variation" to a percentage increase instead of a fixed price? Thanks.
I'm sorry, this would require heavily modifying the code.

Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by hlohmeyerphoto »

Thanks for the quick reply. So far this is great. Just battling with my own learning curve.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by adrian5750 »

Just trying out Webshop Plus.
Have followed the instructions in the pdf & created a cart folder & uploaded the 'admin' folder into it.
Cart has 755 and admin has 755 (was 644 but that didn't work so tried changing it !)

I can access the backend admin screen, and change the password etc, but, when it tries to save the info I get "

"Cannot create file config.php ! Please check folder permissions or contact your hostin company."

Any ideas ??


Setting permissions on config.php to 777 seems to work - but is this safe ??

I had similar issues with uploading files a few weeks back - the 755 permissions on the upload directory didn't work -
but 777 did...??

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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

All files that could allow changing settings and details, are password protected, so yes, it is safe.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by adrian5750 »

Navaldesign wrote:All files that could allow changing settings and details, are password protected, so yes, it is safe.
Ah, thanks for that....

Having spent come time in 'chat' with my hosting company - it appears that it's a known issue, and it's about file ownership rather than permissions.
In my particular case (shared Apache server under linux), they recommend changing the PHP5 setup so that it runs as a CGI application, then emailing support to request that ownership of the files in that domain are changed...

Apparently, if new domains are set up with 'run PHP5 as CGI' then there's no need to request the change of ownership, as that will be set automatically.

This explains the hassle I was having with the 'upload file from a form' thing a couple of weeks ago...

I'm only recording the details in case they might help somebody else with the same problem...

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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

Pls post the actual URLs for working and non working pages.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

Pls forward the project through my contact form. Unfortunately, just looking at the page code through the browser, doesn't help as the PHP code is not displayed.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

If you look better, there is a note that you can set Quantity to 0 to remove an item from the cart.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

I will consider this for the next update....
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by kevinp »

Hi Naval,

Not sure if this has been asked before so I apologise if it has. Is it possible to make the thankyou page auto continue to PayPal without having to click the button but still send the emails. It seems to cause some confusion even though the page clearly states that the button needs to be clicked. I'm afraid I'm a bit rusty on coding as its been a while. It needs to auto activate the button on page load to pass the form details but this doesn't seem possible. Any pointers would be appreciated.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Tretonia »

Hi George,
Sorry. very new to this game. OK with loading and editing the back end of program but the front-end is giving me a little problem when I load it into WWB8 with the site I want it to run on open I cannot get the graphics to come with the php files I am using "Import page from another project".
Should I be doing it another way?
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

Not sure what you mean. You mean the images? if yes, it is not important, you can open both projects at the same time and copy / paste images. Or, if you prefer, use your own product images.

If you mean something else, plese clarify.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Tretonia »

Navaldesign wrote:Not sure what you mean. You mean the images? if yes, it is not important, you can open both projects at the same time and copy / paste images. Or, if you prefer, use your own product images.
I was referring more to the layout images and not the product images.
It was just that I was reading in these posts that some of the information could be lost in a copy and past and just thought that I might be doing it the wrong way. Thank you for confirming that I am doing it correctly.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by kevinp »

Hi Navel,

Many customers find the 'thankyou' page confusing and fail to proceed to payment and get further confused because they receive the auto email with their order details. I'm trying to make the 'thankyou' page into an order confirmation which will show the order details and then require payment as I think this would feel more natural for the customer.

I have played with set ups based on the code contained within the thankyou page and tried to add the fields as below.

But when run I get the following result

The fields for $cart[PRODUCTCODE], $cart[PRODUCTNAME] and $cart[QUANTITY] simply show as array yet the $subtotal shows correctly. I'm very rusty but presume that the first three sould be something like $productcode but this variable is not shown in the code and shows blank on the published page.

I've also tried:

but with no joy

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

Actually, those are arrays (containing all the ordered products code, name and quantity)

You can use the $cart[PRODUCTCODE][$i] (etc) BUT you should include it in a loop, in example:

for ($i = 0; $i < $itemcount; $i++){
echo $cart[PRODUCTCODE][$i]." ".$cart[PRODUCTNAME][$i]."<br>";
echo "Total: $subtotal <br>";

I prefer to use a table, similar to the one used in the "cart" table (after removing all the unecessary code) to display a summary plus the button.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by supersonictt »

Hello Navaldesign,

I am just wondering when version 3.2 was released!
Another thing, is there any chance to have a CMS WebShop? I mean in the Admin area admin can add categories and products, along with their infos.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

Version 3.2 was released Dic 27, 2011.

A full online managed cart requires a database and a lot of work. To be honest, I do have it ready, but it is a paid for script.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by supersonictt »

Navaldesign wrote:Version 3.2 was released Dic 27, 2011.

A full online managed cart requires a database and a lot of work. To be honest, I do have it ready, but it is a paid for script.
And this paid one, does it work like -let's say- OpenCart or any one of those free E-commerce scripts in Softaculous?
And how much is it for?

Thank you :)
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

It works more or less like these.

Cost can only be discussed outside this forum.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by supersonictt »

How can we discuss that? You can have my email address from the admin.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by supersonictt »

Navaldesign, shall i contact you regarding the paid script through you website email?
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

Yes, you can contact me through my website contact form.
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by maxime »

is it a script to use with wwb8 like an extension like the cms object. I may be intestrested by this kind of script.Ca ve see it in action. demo??
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by Navaldesign »

If the project is in the "cart" directory, the index page should be " http://www.yourdomain.com/cart/index.php " and the Administration area should be " http://www.yourdomain.com/cart/admin/index.php "

If this is really so, then there is no need to edit the paths as they are already alright.

A link to the cart please ?
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Re: Webshop Plus! v.3.2 for WWB8

Post by maxime »

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