[rz] Preloaded Links (smooth nav) *** UPD 2016-Feb-29 ***

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This section contains extensions that were created by [rz] who has sadly passed away.
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[rz] Preloaded Links (smooth nav) *** UPD 2016-Feb-29 ***

Post by [RZ] »

[rz] Preloaded Links v1.3.1

This lightweight extension makes smooth links between the website pages.

DEMO (lite version)

HTML 4.01 Transitional
W3C compliant

* New in version 1.3.1:

- Improved attached object handling.
- Improved transition effect handling on links.
- Fixed an introduced sporadic instability working with [rz] Button II.
- Smaller/improved code.
- External library files.

* New in version

- Fixed instability on links when the page is centered both vertically and horizontally.

* New in version 1.3:

- Added support for RWD.
- Improved compatibility with [rz] Button (and with its user defined events - sometimes were not recognized).
- Improved garbage sanitation with [rz] Tooltip.
- Resolved a back/forth refresh issue in FireFox and Opera browsers for the lite version.

* New in version 1.2:

- Improved code for better performance and compatibility.
- Fixed an introduced validation issue.

* New in version

- Fixed an issue with the wb Carousel and wb SlideShow objects.

* New in version 1.1:

- The option to show a "loading/wait" message attaching any wb object; it can be a simple text, a shape, an [animated] image, or even a layer for advanced schemes - you can set-up advanced parameters such as method, sensitiveness, position, etc; however, this feature is optional, you can leave the pointer blank.
- New extension: Preloaded Links (lite) - this version doesn't require jQuery; there aren't page transitions, the pages are shown as fast as can.

How to use?

1. build your project as you usually do.
1. open a project already built.
2. drag and drop the extension and setup just a few parameters or leave them as by default.



If you still see "short flashes" between the pages, you should manually add more time to let the browser interpret the page's code.
Go to 'Advanced' category and in 'Time: fix' add more milliseconds; usually the 10% of the fade time is enough, take the greater value between the 'Time: load' and 'Time: unload' properties; it all depends on your design...

[rz] Preloaded Links
This lightweight extension makes smooth faded links between the website pages.
And, optionally, can show a "loading, please wait" message.

[rz] Preloaded Links (lite)
This lightweight extension makes snap links between the website pages.
And, optionally, can show a "loading, please wait" message.
Last edited by [RZ] on Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:00 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation)

Post by stamjoe »

Smooth RZ!!!!
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation)

Post by [RZ] »

glad you like it and thanks for your feedback
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation)

Post by mnwitten »

I always love your extensions, especially the iFrame related ones. This extension is something I've been looking for, for a long time! But I am having an issue that is going to keep me from using it on some sites. On pop-up windows such as that used by the built in WB Photo Gallery, when using Light Box Gallery and Fancybox...the clicked on images no longer open in Fancybox but open in a standard browser window. The same occurs with Shadowbox.JS which I use quite often for video and page pop-ups. Regardless if you can address these admittedly niche issues, I love the extension and will find uses for it in my sites.
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation)

Post by [RZ] »

i will take a look at this
thank your for your feedback
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation)

Post by [RZ] »

issue fixed
thank you for your report and your feedback
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation)

Post by mnwitten »

WOW! You nailed it! Thanks and great job.
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation)

Post by supersonictt »

AMAZING, ISN'T IT? That's your slogan which really fits your extensions.
Thank you so much for this great extension :)
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation)

Post by [RZ] »

thank you for your feedback

(btw, you are right, slogan restored, lol)
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by [RZ] »

New in version 1.1:

-The option to show a "loading/wait" message attaching any wb object; it can be a simple text, a shape, an [animated] image, or even a layer for advanced schemes - you can set-up advanced parameters such as method, sensitiveness, position, etc; however, this feature is optional, you can leave the pointer blank.
-New extension: Preloaded Links (lite) - this version doesn't require jQuery; there aren't page transitions, the pages are shown as fast as can.
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by [RZ] »

you are pointing to 'loading' and you are right
in wb, this type of object has a prefix, and you should add it manually
instead of 'loading' change its id by 'wb_loading' (without the quotes)

if you want a 'smart' loading message you can change the method to 'if needed'
(you can play a bit more with the properties if you want)
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by supersonictt »

Thank you for the extension [rz] :)
A question:
Does it work for links that point pages in an iFrame? I mean I have 3 links in page1.html and an iFrame, each link points to another page to be opened in this iFrame.

Thank you :)
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by [RZ] »

should be, if it points to a page within the same domain
and the target page has implemented in it the pll
for better results pll (faded) is recommended; anyhow, pll (lite) also can work fine in that case
i cannot do further tests right now
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by supersonictt »

Once again, you replied faster than me ;)
Yes, I can confirm it works %100
Thank you for your time :)
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by supersonictt »

Hello [rz]

I noticed I have a heavy page in one of my projects, so I wanted to give this extension a shot.
I made a simple project, the first page (index) contains a css menu a text object. The second page (page1) is full of images (page weight is 2.5 megabytes), so I dragged the extension on this page and setup only the loading message to be "Layer1".
When I published the pages to the server and clicked on page1, the images started to load immediately! And "Layer1" which contains a text object (Loading please wait) shows only the text but not the layer and once the page is loaded this text disappears. What is wrong that am doing?

Thanks :)
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by [RZ] »

lite version:
the extension should be in the calling page and in the called page
or at least
in the calling page (and not in the called page)

normal version:
the extension should be in the calling page and in the called page
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by supersonictt »

Thanks a lot :)
Ok, am using the light version, now where the "Loading message" should be placed, calling page or called page?
And here is what I understand: the extension should be placed in every page of the project if these pages link to that heave page, right?
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by [RZ] »

the "pls wait" object is optional
if you want to have your own object to display a message in a fancy way, it must be in the same page you have placed the extension

you can use this ext also in this way

just fyi, you can put the "pls wait" object and the extension just one time in a masterpage or even in a masterframe, this depends on your design
i'm assuming you already know how these objects work and you got the idea about the benefits...
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by supersonictt »

Thanks for the reply :) I think I got the idea of the extension, I just need to play around with it to get it fully working :)
And yes, I know what masterobject and masterframe objects do, I always use them in my designs.

Thanks again [rz]
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by supersonictt »

Hmmm, there must be something wrong am doing!!
Could you please check:
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by [RZ] »

will be easier if you send me the project...
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by supersonictt »

The project is around 5 megabytes because of the images which i added to make the page heavy, so shall i send the project with or without the images?
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by [RZ] »

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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by [RZ] »

thanks for the project
menu / options / html -> generate external css style sheets for page specific styles
the above option must be unticked
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by supersonictt »

First of all, am VERY sorry for bothering you with a mistake I've done! As I remember, this is the second time you find out this mistake done by me! And this time I was checking the options in the software and it seems I checked it by mistake, so am really sorry for that :oops:
Second, thank you very much for taking time to see what the problem is, I really appreciate it :)
Third, I checked you developers' page, waiting eagerly for the new extensions :) any idea when are they coming out?
And fourth, expect an email from me soon to buy rz Layers 2, I should have done the purchase 2 months ago, but I was busy with some nasty clients who gave me a real headache :)

Thanks again for your support :)
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by [RZ] »

Sergio Morais
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by Sergio Morais »

Thanks for your extensions.
Just a quick question.. We only have to drop one instance of the Preloaded Links extension on any page of the project, right?
Or is it one instance per page?
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Jun-03-2013

Post by [RZ] »

it was already answered, please read the thread.
you should have an instance in each page of the project, so you can have smoother links in all of the pages.
also you can put an instance in a masterpage so as you can have the same settings for the whole project; i'm assuming you know how to use a masterpage (now called masterobjects).
hope this helps and regards.
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD Apr-13-2014

Post by [RZ] »

New in version 1.2:

-Improved code for better performance and compatibility.
-Fixed an introduced validation issue.

New in version

-Fixed an issue with the wb Carousel and wb SlideShow objects.

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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by [RZ] »


New in version 1.3:

-Added support for RWD.
-Improved compatibility with [rz] Button (and with its user defined events - sometimes were not recognized).
-Improved garbage sanitation with [rz] Tooltip.
-Resolved a back/forth refresh issue in FireFox and Opera browsers for the lite version.
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by itsme »

sorry dear, i just removed my reply even before you answer as i typed it quickly after some frustrating with your site first

i got it how it is working and now exploring, you've done really nice art work
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by [RZ] »

you are the first one in years that find the site frustrating and complicated :?
hope you can find what you are searching for
just be patient and read carefully the descriptions, and if applies, taking a look at the available demos as they are there for you
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by itsme »

ok this time i read it all, and all answers were beneficial, but still couldn't make the links between pages appear like a fade and nice like in your shop page :D can you hint us all how to make the navigation between pages shows fade and smooth navigate? i drag drop the extension to a first page that has the link and the target page (light version of the extension) but it loads the page directly like sharp, didn't change any settings, i tried adding an image as Object ID and it works but doesn't say Loading nicely and fading like in your shop page, is that used in your site different story? just interesting and curious 8)
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by [RZ] »

if you follow the instructions, you will be able to do it
unless you want me to do the site for you...
please read the instructions and tell me exactly where it stops working
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by itsme »

i didn't say it is not working, it is amazing in fact, i said couldn't manage it to configure it in order to be like the one you have exactly, maybe it is the image you are using for "loading" gives that impression, still collecting getting loading images and testing but i still think it is great and great job you have done... in another subject you said last time that "lights off" extension has a demo, since you have access now, can you check it for me there is no demo link in the shop
thanks for your time dude
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by [RZ] »

there are two pll versions, for fade-in/out you need the regular version, if you do not need effects, it is advisable to use the "lite" version
please read patiently the properties descriptions for both extensions, they are very easy to setup
the broken links to the demos seem to be fixed
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by itsme »

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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by itsme »

hi again, any idea why the loading object (i put small loading.gif image) in this setting but it shows it while loading like in all the screen makes around 30px x 30px image turns into full size screen, looks not nice, i couldn't find size setting to adjust this loading object
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by [RZ] »

without seeing, i have no way to know :?
however, trying to guess, in wb10 if you are using an image instead of a layer, adding a wb_ prefix to the 'object id' under the 'loading msg' category should solve your problem
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by itsme »

thanks dear for guessing, you gussed correct, if you put a small image as loading image object, does cover the whole screen in 100% width and height... i use only image.. no text message... tried adding wb_objectid and it works.... didn't work use layer
thanks indeed
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by [RZ] »

if does not work using a layer is because you are still pointing to the image instead of a layer ;)
anyhow, if it is working now with the prefix, it is fine
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Re: Preloaded Links (smooth navigation) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14

Post by itsme »

didnt try use layer instead of didn't work use layer - see how english make difference :) did NOT try the layer instead of the image
with wb_ prefix works ok
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Re: [rz] Preloaded Links (smooth nav) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14 **

Post by naftalina »

If I put Preloaded Links in the page which is centered horizontally and vertically I lose all the links on the page?!
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Re: [rz] Preloaded Links (smooth nav) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14 **

Post by [RZ] »

the preloaded links are not related to the page centering
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Re: [rz] Preloaded Links (smooth nav) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14 **

Post by naftalina »

[RZ] wrote:the preloaded links are not related to the page centering
I did simple project and I can send you if you want.
You can check this easy.

1. Add RZ Button in empty project
2. Add RZ Preloaded Links (RZ Button works)
3. Center page horizontaly and verticaly (RZ Button don't work)
Last edited by naftalina on Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [rz] Preloaded Links (smooth nav) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14 **

Post by [RZ] »

If I put Preloaded Links in the page which is centered horizontally and vertically I lose all the links on the page?!
(RZ Button don't work)
what does not work? the preloaded link or the button?
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Re: [rz] Preloaded Links (smooth nav) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14 **

Post by naftalina »

[RZ] wrote:
If I put Preloaded Links in the page which is centered horizontally and vertically I lose all the links on the page?!
(RZ Button don't work)
what does not work? the preloaded link or the button?
Button and all links stop working.
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Re: [rz] Preloaded Links (smooth nav) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14 **

Post by [RZ] »

ok, you will receive an answer as soon as possible
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Re: [rz] Preloaded Links (smooth nav) *** UPD 2014-Oct-14 **

Post by naftalina »

[RZ] wrote:ok, you will receive an answer as soon as possible

This is sample project:
Last edited by naftalina on Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [rz] Preloaded Links (smooth nav) *** UPD 2015-Oct-02 **

Post by [RZ] »

New in version

- Fixed instability on links when the page is centered both vertically and horizontally.