<p> Text extension - 27/08/2013

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<p> Text extension - 27/08/2013

Post by supersonictt »

<p> Text extension
While I was building a site for a client, he asked me to make all the text in his site justified. I noticed in some paragraphs that some browsers (IE10 and FF) make the text "jam".
Try adding the "Lorem ipsum" text:

Code: Select all

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin turpis sapien, varius id tempor quis, dictum nec ligula. Vestibulum at justo et mi dictum pretium. Cras in neque ut massa mollis pretium. Quisque eget metus sit amet sapien vestibulum lacinia in sed est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce egestas leo in elit rutrum elementum. Etiam diam mi, tincidunt vel lacinia egestas, egestas et lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam elit nibh, viverra eu aliquet at, rhoncus quis lacus. Morbi faucibus porttitor lorem, nec lacinia sem ultricies in. Curabitur fermentum gravida ipsum. Donec et ante quis quam tristique eleifend. Donec et sapien ipsum. Praesent vel elit porta ipsum sodales facilisis at sagittis enim.
set the width of the text object to 500px, and the font to Arial with size 12. Then justify the text, and finally right click on the text object, choose "Object properties", under "Compatibility -> Output format" choose "Use <div> with position for each line" and preview in IE10 or FF, you can see that some text is being jammed.

So this extension adds a <p> tag, which I noticed there is no issue in any browser in the output.

With this extension you can:
1. Choose the font family with bold, italic or underlined as it uses the rich text editor.
2. Set the text color, or even the color for the letters in the word as well as the size of the word or some letters of it.
3. Assign a link to words in the text, styling it with the built in styles you specify.
4. Align the text left, center, right and justify it.
5. Choose the line height. Please note that it differs from one font family to another.
5. Choose the letter spacing.
6. Add shadow to the text.

Just drag and drop the extension, open the settings and modify them according to your needs.
Please read the description of each property as some of them differs from the others in the values you need to put.


1. Added text block background color.
2. Added padding.

Enjoy :)
Posts: 398
Joined: Sun May 15, 2011 10:27 am

Re: <p> Text extension - 27/08/2013

Post by supersonictt »

Update version
1. Added text block background color.
2. Added padding.

See the first post.
Posts: 398
Joined: Sun May 15, 2011 10:27 am

Re: <p> Text extension - 27/08/2013

Post by supersonictt »

I made the extension with Extension Builder 4.2, so it is compatible with WWB 9 only.
Why don't you upgrade to version 9? Is it more than amazing.
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