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Hello, i have made this responsive navigation "Responsive Menu". I havent tested it to much, so if any one whant to help me and sugest improvments that will be great. I include all the sorce and project files so that anyone can make changes/improvments. Thank you.
If any one make any changes to this Extension please share and rename the Extension file to: responsive_menu_your_wwb_forum_username.rar
Original script: Sergio Vitov /
I also used the Extension: Lava-Lamp Style Navigation Menu by Erkan OZ to get started. Thank you.
Demo: None Gradiant Menu: ... /menu.html
Demo: Gradiant and borders: ... /menu.html
Update version, please download againe. You must use WWB version 10.3+ for the menu to work!
Updates: Before 2015-03-03
1. I removed the category "General" and moved those propertys to the Menu category.
2. In the Menu category i also added the possibility to remove the jQuery 1.11.1 script (this script can interfere with the WWB slidshow script).
3. I added a Category "Visibility" in here you can choose to hide the Menu att specific Media screen sizes. You can set (min or max Media screen width, and you can set the Media screen width, and you have to setup to hide or to show the menu).
Updates: 2015-03-04
1. You can now have the menu fixed to top even if you scroll the page.
2. You can now have php code in the menu (eg, if you want to get the menu link text from a php file you can have this: <?echo utf8_encode ($lang['MENU_HOME']); ?>
3. The menu code will now end up just befor the </body> tag but outside of the container element, so it's no longer between the <head></head> tag.
Update: 2015-03-19
1. Now you can choose not to show text shadows. I added a setting in: Properties/Menu/Use text shadow, here you can choose Yes or No. No will remove the text shadow from all texts in the menu. Yes will put it back. It wont mater if you have setup text shadow in the other settings, this option (No) will override them. If you set it to Yes the text shadow settings you have setup for the texts will be in effect again.
Update: 2015-03-25
1. You can now change position (from top) for the menu.
Update: 2015-04-16
1. Gradient background colors.
2. Border size and radius on the links/button in the bigscreen mode menu. I did not add this function for the mobile menu mode.
3. In mobile menu mode. I'v added a function to remove the top/bottom/(left/right deviders) borders on the active link. I think it looks better to remove these if you have an outstanding color.
4. I have also added a function to controll when the menu should toggle to the mobile menu. If you drag your window and look at when the menu toggles to the mobile menu you will see-
that there are some gaps on the left/right side of the bigscreen menu. It is this gap you now have some controll over. Default settings in the script is 1.05 try changing it to eg, 1.0
Update: 2015-04-18
1. I have added function to set different text color on active/current link.
2. Finally

Now you can just make changes to the menu in the master page and these changes will be updated in all other pages.
The nice thing about this menu is that you now can choose to indicate Active/Current page by setting up a background color just for this directly in the master page.
If you do not want any Active/Current indicator color on your links/buttons you can turn this function of.
3. I just made a little change: Now you can controll to remove separatly the top and bottom devider/border on active links in the mobile menu (in mobile mode). I made this update because in some cases it will look better not to remove eg, the bottom border and in some it will, depends on the colors you are using.
If there is some one out here that are good at making menus like this, please let me know. Could use some help to add sublinks/dropdown menu.
Thank you.
Download Version!pwEVwSZa!nY4w4i2EFQTi ... AqHFBubbCY