due to my activities, i hadn't had the time yet to update my website with all the extensions and sit down and study how the ext manager works, build the pdf's, make the jpg's and all the related stuff to this feature; after many "kind complaints" about this, i should (or better said: must) make a section in my site with the available paid and free (although donations are highly appreciated

i ported the site to a new hosting service, so i cannot give you a "hidden link" as i had in the past to the extensions directory, some little things now work a bit different...
i still have some demos in http://www.******.com/demo and some drafts in http://www.magnawebstudio.com, i will try to do as soon as i can a new demos directory for the benefit of all (i'm included!).
meanwhile, what i personally sometimes do, and i suggest you to do as well, go to the extensions list: http://********.com and there press control-f (or the proper keystrokes sequence in your browser to search a string) and enter [rz] then click find/next (or the according keys to go to the next match). may not be the best option but may be a good shortcut...
thanks again saer, your words and suggestions are appreciated.
(ps: hope will soon be available more extensions, i'm finishing some bespoke ones that i have in the to-do list)