TROUBLE - PHP Is Disabled

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TROUBLE - PHP Is Disabled

Post by kfi4all »

I discovered recently from my web hosting company that PHP has been disabled. Again, i found out that my PHP
script functionalities are no longer responding, such as the web forms and others. Therefore, i wish to understand
two issues here: (1) Why do some web hosting company disable PHP in their servers? (2) How do i manage a situation of
this nature with WWB?
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Re: TROUBLE - PHP Is Disabled

Post by BaconFries »

(1) Why do some web hosting company disable PHP in their servers
Cost, if you are using a free host if will most likely be bandwidth restricted or they may disable on security reasons.
(2) How do i manage a situation of this nature with WWB?
Nothing to manage as not related to the programme but with your host/server provider. If using one of the many free providers then move to a paying that has less restrictions on bandwidth but even then they to can disable PHP if they have any security issues.

For question (1) you should contact your host and ask them why they have disabled it and how to rectify.
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