Responsive CAD-Website made with WWB 12

You can use this section of the forum to show your website created with WYSIWYG Web Builder to other users.
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This forum is for users to display their websites created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.

Rules for posting in this section:
1) Do not ask any WYSIWYG Web Builder help or support related questions here.
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3) Do not start more than one thread about your site.
4) Do not say anything negative or mean about somebody's site. Constructive criticism is great and encouraged, but being deliberately nasty will not be tolerated.
5) Do not post any site that is not created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.
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Responsive CAD-Website made with WWB 12

Post by cadtec »


This is our new website for Alibre Design:
Fully made with WWB 12!

Best regards,
Posts: 301
Joined: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:23 am
Location: Europe

Re: Responsive CAD-Website made with WWB 12

Post by pajadt »

Nice Web, only used to much color, you have 4 basic colors which you choice, why need more... , with that give not better visual loock / suggesyion try to remove clean Red color, or green for go to top etc, its look much better / It is my impression as desinger
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