Primary School site
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Primary School site
Redesign and upgrade of school site
Re: Primary School site
nice clean and simple I like it Graeme, if anything the news item on the home page expand it higher so you dont get the scrollbar
Great job
Great job
Re: Primary School site
Thanks for the comments, reduced displayed tweets to remove scrollbar.
Re: Primary School site
At BP 480 320 you must solve mistakes with menu QUIK LINKS not visible, other nice look
Re: Primary School site
Thanks for the comments, problem fixed on 320, 480px
Re: Primary School site
I love this website. Well done. I just have one question and I hope it's okay to ask it: how did you implement the calendar into the site? Did you use code or an extension?
Well done again. Lovely site.
Well done again. Lovely site.
Re: Primary School site
Thanks for the comments, it is a Google calendar embedded with the code available from Google
Re: Primary School site
Okay, cool. Thanks for that. Keep up the good work. 

Re: Primary School site
Clean, functional, scales well and easy to read. Good job.
Re: Primary School site
Very nice my friend. Great use of the responsive menu and break points.
Re: Primary School site
great job! which menu did you use?
Re: Primary School site
Thanks for the comments, I used Bootstrap Mega Menu
Re: Primary School site
Nice site
the images took a while to load, which I don't really mind because the images are nice quality, others with slower connections may not see it that way. It's always a fine line when making a site
On the navigation, it's a tad dull with the grey and dark grey hover... have you thought about making the hover colour darker, or brighter to reflect the vibrancy of the images and fun of the school?
On the tweets, where it says NEWS. It may an idea to add the name of the school twitter account so people can look them up more easily
hope it helps
the images took a while to load, which I don't really mind because the images are nice quality, others with slower connections may not see it that way. It's always a fine line when making a site

On the navigation, it's a tad dull with the grey and dark grey hover... have you thought about making the hover colour darker, or brighter to reflect the vibrancy of the images and fun of the school?
On the tweets, where it says NEWS. It may an idea to add the name of the school twitter account so people can look them up more easily
hope it helps
Re: Primary School site
I was wondering where you are located until I noticed the suffix of the URL.
It may be helpful to identify your location before parents in other countries get too enthusiastic.
It may be helpful to identify your location before parents in other countries get too enthusiastic.
Re: Primary School site
Thanks for the comment, the school location (New Zealand) is on the footer on every page.
If you wanted to send your children to West Spreydon School, maybe consider changing countries.
Thanks for the comment, the school location (New Zealand) is on the footer on every page.
If you wanted to send your children to West Spreydon School, maybe consider changing countries.
Re: Primary School site
Thanks for the comment