Hi, here My site
Let me know of you like it.. and what a can chance.
gr. Rene
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This forum is for users to display their websites created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Rules for posting in this section:
1) Do not ask any WYSIWYG Web Builder help or support related questions here.
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3) Do not start more than one thread about your site.
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PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU POST or your post may be deleted!
This forum is for users to display their websites created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Rules for posting in this section:
1) Do not ask any WYSIWYG Web Builder help or support related questions here.
2) Do not Promote your website on somebody elses thread.
3) Do not start more than one thread about your site.
4) Do not say anything negative or mean about somebody's site. Constructive criticism is great and encouraged, but being deliberately nasty will not be tolerated.
5) Do not post any site that is not created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.
6) Do not BUMP your post unnecessarily/repetitively.
7) Do not speak/type in another language than English. That way everyone can understand you.
- Posts: 149
- Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:38 am
Hi Rene, just looked at your site and it looks fine. Great job! I was wondering if you used breakpoints or worked with the layout grid? I also looked for your phone number on your site but could not find it! Maby you can help me out and give me some advice or help me whit my site.
Like to here from you. Groeten Bart
Like to here from you. Groeten Bart
hi Bart i use layoutrid with breakpoints, if i can help you with something,let me know.
gr rene
sorry me englisch is not so good..
gr rene
sorry me englisch is not so good..

- Posts: 149
- Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:38 am
Hi Rene, i did sent you a email and try to look for a phone nummer but couldn't find your number and sending a email to you also did not work because my mail give me the messaged that the email is not correct?? So if you want to go to my current site and please sent me a email or give me a call. Thanks in advange and hope to hear from you! The adress is: massagework.nl go to the contact page for info