[rz] Simple Linear Menu *** UPD 2019-Apr-05 ***

This section contains extensions that were created by [rz] who has sadly passed away.
These extensions are no longer available, but the discussions may still be helpful for some users.
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This section contains extensions that were created by [rz] who has sadly passed away.
These extensions are no longer available or supported, but the discussions may still be helpful for some users.
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[rz] Simple Linear Menu *** UPD 2019-Apr-05 ***

Post by [RZ] »

[rz] Simple Linear Menu v1.0.2

One of the most lighweight and versatile solutions to have a fluid and responsive linear menu.
Useful for small site-navigations like in footers, tags/keywords as in blogs and many other schemes.

Some features:

- Separators are visible only when needed.
- Custom colors, borders, shadows and images for each button status.
- Can be used as buttons-like or simple links-like.
- Advanced alignments for images and texts within each option.
- Advanced RTL support, globally and on each button, useful for multilingual sites.
- Fixed, fluid and RWD built-in support.
- Tooltips for each option.
- 3D-like push effects.
- Multi-instance.
- Maximum crossbrowser, crossplatform and backward compatibility.
- No jQuery required.

...and many more!

HTML 4.01 Transitional
W3C compliant


* New in version 1.0.2

- Improved options rendering during startup when colors transitions has been selected.

* New in version 1.0.1

- Extended background colors variants.
- Minor code tweaks.

How to use?

1. Drag and drop this extension and enter the options menu, this means the links to the available pages in your project.
2. Optionally, you can setup additional properties such as alignments, margins, colors, shadows and many other options; or leave them as by default.
3. For the responsive/fluid part, you can use breakpoints or put the instances within layers that stretch their contents.
4. Preview or publish.

Last edited by [RZ] on Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [rz] Simple Linear Menu

Post by zinc »

Great new addition. Cheers RZ
Running WYSIWYG Web Builder since 2007...
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Re: [rz] Simple Linear Menu

Post by [RZ] »

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Re: [rz] Simple Linear Menu *** UPD 2018-Jul-30 ***

Post by [RZ] »

* New in version 1.0.1

- Extended background colors variants.
- Minor code tweaks.
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Posts: 1912
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Re: [rz] Simple Linear Menu *** UPD 2019-Apr-05 ***

Post by [RZ] »

* New in version 1.0.2

- Improved options rendering during startup when colors transitions has been selected.