Provide Live chat to your website visitors using:
1) WhatsApp
2) Facebook Messenger
3) Skype
With this Live Chat system, the Support person may not always sit in front of a computer but be in touch with the website visitors/customers on the move through a mobile phone using Whatsapp, Face book Messenger or Skype. Moment the visitor click on the live chat button, he will get an the option to connect using Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp or Skype.
For WYSIWYG Web Builder 14, 15 and above.
Details of this extension with live demo:
http://lucknowwebs.com/social-live-chat ... and-above/
All my Extensions:
http://lucknowwebs.com/downloads/webbui ... extensions
Live Demo:
View the demo on a mobile too
Any questions, please send through here: http://lucknowwebs.com/contact