Preview & Publish Issues

Issues related to previewing and publishing your web site.
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Preview & Publish Issues

Post by NESISGROUP2020 »

Hi guys,

Please forgive me, as I am totally 'New' to building a website and have probably made alot of 'errors', so I am seeking advice from anyone happy to help.

I've now designed the website, which has actually taken me nearly 4 weeks and the problems I am having is between the 'Preview' which all looks perfect and the actual 'Publish' in which the website appears to be missing alot of information/detail that appears in the Preview version. I am no expert in building a website but thought I would give it a try. Trust me, it is not easy by any measure and I am at a total 'loss' mixed in with confusion as to what I have done wrong, I want to publish the website but I need it to be functional with all the information, photos header/footer information to 'appear' on the various pages.

Also, I have no idea how to include a 'warning' about 'cookies' which appear to now be the norm when using the internet.

Any help would be appreciated :oops: :oops: :? :?
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Re: Preview & Publish Issues

Post by BaconFries »

To be able to help can you please provide a url to your site or page in question so it can be viewed to see what you have done. Or please provide a copy of the project (.wbs) see the following before doing so.
How do I share my project to get help? ... 10&t=82134
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Re: Preview & Publish Issues

Post by Pablo »

the actual 'Publish' in which the website appears to be missing alot of information/detail that appears in the Preview version
Usually this mean that you did not publish all files.
To be able to help you , I need to see what you have done.
Also, I have no idea how to include a 'warning' about 'cookies' which appear to now be the norm when using the internet.
You only need to display a cookies warning if your website is actually using cookies.
Did you add script with cookies yourself?

In that case, this may be useful:
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Re: Preview & Publish Issues

Post by royc »

Hi, I also found that many text boxes were publishing as off box and alignment was all screwed up.
So eventually I figured out that if I make the text boxes (with colour, highlighting, and fontsize etc)
as images all my problems go away.
How do you make your text boxes as images.?
simple: 1. create them as normal
2. Click on one to select it.
3. Its properties window appears on the side.
4. click on the spanner icon to bring up the "text properties window"
5. under "miscellaneous" tick the box "Publish text as image"
6. click OK

Voila! :P
all fixed and ready to publish after same done on all text boxex on page.
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Re: Preview & Publish Issues

Post by crispy68 »

Hi royc,

I would highly discourage you publishing text as an image. Not great for SEO. Search engines can read text. The text on your website helps search engines determine how to rank your website in their search engine results. If someone searches for text that matches text on your website, your website can come up in search results. To google, it looks like your whole page is a bunch of images.
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