
This section is for posting questions which are not directly related to WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Examples of off topics: web server configuration, hosting, programming related questions, third party scripts.

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Post by davehappen »

Hi All, I know I have asked this before but i've put a search in and cant find it.
I have 2 pieces of script I need to place in a site, as said I have done this before but due to a crash i need to repeat it,
but cant remember where the second piece of script went. I need it in a layout grid!!!!!

Portfolio Widget Code:
<script>(function(w,r,f,d){w.diId = "UktV6X";f=r.createElement('script');f.type='text/javascript';f.src=' ... efore(f,d);})(window,document);</script>
</head> Please copy the above snippet of code and paste it into your HTML code, before the closing head tag.
I think this goes between the head tag

<div id="conv_agency"></div><div class="conv_portfolio"><div id="owl-demo" class="owl-carousel"></div></div>
<body> once you pasted the snippet code then copy the above code and paste it into your HTML Body section whenever you want to display the Portfolio section into your website.
Not sure about this bit
Thanks in advance
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Re: script

Post by Pablo »

Not sure about this bit
This goes in an HTML object.
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Re: script

Post by davehappen »

Thanks Very Much
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