*** SOLVED *** Publishing problems with version 17th.

Issues related to previewing and publishing your web site.
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*** SOLVED *** Publishing problems with version 17th.

Post by Al_Sin »

Hello Pablo,
I have a problem with publishing with 17th version of Webbuilder.
1. All my FTP settings is OK: I can pass TEST in publishing menu and see the site folders when press EXPLORE.
2. I an using simple FTP (passive mode)
3. After publishing I see message Successfully published! But from 62 files only 2 or 3 usually were published.
You can see the log below: connection was lost but I cannot understand the reason. And at the bottom you can see Successfully published!

And I see in the Log SecureFtpVersion:, but I used just FTP mode.

Thank you,

Scanning publish folder...
Found 62 file(s).
DllDate: Aug 30 2017
UnlockPrefix: PBLVND.CB1072018
Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit
Language: Visual C++ 6.0
VerboseLogging: 0
Component successfully unlocked using purchased unlock code.
RemoteFilename: /base/images/ui-icons_555555_256x240.png
LocalFilename: C:\Users\ALEXAN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\~publish\base\images\ui-icons_555555_256x240.png
enabled: yes
heartbeatMs: 0
sendBufferSize: 65536
IdleTimeoutMs: 60000
ReceiveTimeoutMs: 60000
ConnectTimeoutSeconds: 1200
soRcvBuf: 4194304
soSndBuf: 262144
localFileSize: 8140
initialGreeting: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
220-You are user number 2 of 80 allowed.
220-Local time is now 17:19. Server port: 21.
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
restartNext: 0
modeZ: 0
binaryMode: 1
passive transfer mode
sendingCommand: PASV
replyLineQP: 227 Entering Passive Mode (70,32,23,58,195,25)
port: 49945
ConnectFailReason: Connection rejected
A few possible causes for a connection being rejected are:
- A firewall (software or hardware), such as Windows Firewall, is blocking the connection .
- Nothing is listening at the remote host:port
dataConnectSuccess: 0
setupPassiveDataSocket dataConnect failed.
Failed to setup passive data socket
Failed to setup data connection for upload.
Failed to read FTP control channel reply.
readFtpReply: Socket operation timeout.
TotalTime: Elapsed time: 22532 millisec

Removing temporary files...
Successfully published!
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Re: Publishing problems with version 17th.

Post by Pablo »

Publishing functionality has not recently changed. It works the same as in previous versions.
Also, it seems to work correct to all other users. So, this is most likely a configuration issue.

Are you sure you will need to use standard FTP? Because the server greets with:
Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] -------
which seems to indicate that it requires Secure FTP (TLS)

The connection is rejected:
ConnectFailReason: Connection rejected
A few possible causes for a connection being rejected are:
- A firewall (software or hardware), such as Windows Firewall, is blocking the connection .
- Nothing is listening at the remote host:port
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Re: Publishing problems with version 17th.

Post by Al_Sin »

But why I see Successfully published after all?
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Re: Publishing problems with version 17th.

Post by Pablo »

Probably because the server does not give a valid failure response.
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Re: Publishing problems with version 17th.

Post by Al_Sin »

Thank you Pablo,
I found the reason: my router firewall. When I disable it, everything looks good. You can marked this topic as resolved.
But I have to say, it is very frustrating to publish several times, got “OK” confirmation from WB and do not see the files on the site. Warning system does not work.
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Re: Publishing problems with version 17th.

Post by Rob »

Al_Sin wrote: Thu Dec 02, 2021 6:35 pm Thank you Pablo,
I found the reason: my router firewall. When I disable it, everything looks good. You can marked this topic as resolved.
But I have to say, it is very frustrating to publish several times, got “OK” confirmation from WB and do not see the files on the site. Warning system does not work.
So you're saying all worked fine in WB16, but in Wb17, a change to the local firewall settings are required? I am seeing the same issue here.
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Re: *** SOLVED *** Publishing problems with version 17th.

Post by jerryco »

May this be related to that the software was digitally signed a while ago?
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Re: *** SOLVED *** Publishing problems with version 17th.

Post by Pablo »

FTP functionality has not been changed in version 17. It works the same as in previous versions.
However, from your firewall's point of view, version 17 is a different application (because it's a different binary file). So, you may need to add it webbuilder.exe to the exception list.
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