Farm Site

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Posts: 120
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:15 pm

Farm Site

Post by Bucky108 »

Did this for some friends who run a CSA in New York/ New Jersey.
Posts: 120
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:15 pm

Re: Farm Site

Post by Bucky108 »

I tried to make the site responsive, and it seems to work in most formats.

If anyone can give feedback as to how the site loads on an Apple device like a Mac or an iPad using the safari browser I would appreciate it. I use the lazy load option for the photo gallery and slideshow which made a huge difference in the response time for the site on Windows machines using any Chromium based browser. Without lazy loading the site takes about 5 to 8 seconds to load on a 70 mb connection, with it on it's about one second. It's my understanding that safari doesn't support lazy loading.
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