User Downloads a Form

Issues related to forms.
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User Downloads a Form

Post by Vince9272 »


What I want to do is ridiculously simple. I want a user to download an already existing form, e.g. "Please download the form referenced and fill it out and return via email, etc."

The form would be represented via an icon that the user can click on. Once they click the icon the form is downloaded to their desktop, etc. That's it. I just need to know how to do this as simply as possible. I'm not trying to build the space shuttle. Thank you.
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Re: User Downloads a Form

Post by bkjohns »

Not sure you can do this with a .php form, but if you can create a .pdf form with fillable fields you can have the viewer download that. They will just have to be able to fill it out and save it so they can send it via email.
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Re: User Downloads a Form

Post by Vince9272 »

No folks are already migrating to the most complex iteration. The form already exists in a pdf/word format. All I simply need to do is have them download it.

Icon <Click Here to Download>

That's it.
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Re: User Downloads a Form

Post by crispy68 »

try this:

1. Open up the properties of your icon and go to the Link tab.
2. In the "Link to:" field choose File
3. In the "filename" field navigate to the .pdf file you want to use
4. Set the target to open in a new browser window

When you upload, it will upload the file to your server and the link should point to the .pdf file.

example here:

The users browser settings determines whether the .pdf opens in a new window/tab or if it downloads it.

If you try my demo, clicking on the icon might open the .pdf in a new browser or it may want to download it. This is dependent on your browser settings. However, if you click the text link it should force a download.

There is an html5 attribute that can be added to the link to force a download. Unfortunately, you can't add it via the object html on an icon. When you do, it ends up putting the code in the wrong spot even though it looks correct in WB and doesn't work. You would have to add it after you publish the page.

However, if you use a text link (like in my demo) you can add it. After adding the link, click on the Advanced tab and in the HTML box type: download. This should work in all modern browsers (not IE).
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