Extension Builder ~ How do I add a Help file or PDF?

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Extension Builder ~ How do I add a Help file or PDF?

Post by MGD4me »

I understand that I'm wading into the shadows of "No official help" for this product, and I get that. No problem. I'm hoping someone else may have used the free Extension Builder application, and shed some light.

I have created an extension which work s fine. It may not be the most elegant approach, but if it works, that's good enough for me.

When a person uses any extension, there is a 'Help' button on the configuration page, and I was wondering 'where' would I place this PDF file in Extension Builder, which would be linked to the Help button on the configuration page? And, does it need to be a PDF?

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Re: Extension Builder ~ How do I add a Help file or PDF?

Post by BaconFries »

If you are planning to share the extension then please read the following first. Information regarding the pdf can be found at the same.
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Re: Extension Builder ~ How do I add a Help file or PDF?

Post by MGD4me »


Thanks for your help, as always. You are an invaluable resource!

I reviewed the link you shared, and decided that sharing an extension can have consequences, if brought into question. The code I am using is a very basic, common routine, which by itself "shouldn't" be an issue, like creating a loop to "count to 25", etc. I have programmed in several languages in the past, but javascript was not one of them. I can learn fairly quickly though, and any assistance I may have received was in the form of referring to javascript documentation, and seeing "How-to" examples on public forums. I don't believe this is considered copyrighted material, owned by a person or corporation, but I could be wrong.

So, for fear of any reprisals, I hesitate to share any extension publicly where potential litigation could arise. Not likely, but the word 'potential' is still a worry to me.

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