New website

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New website

Post by ncj71 »

Hello everyone,

This is my very first website built using WYSIWYG.

I have been learning this software since December last year. Decided to buy the software & extensions even before my trial ended as I was that impressed.

Just a simple one page wedding layout, practicing everything I have learnt so far. The RSVP form is working where once filled out and submitted it will be directed to a thank you page before returning to the home page. Also there is an auto responder sent to you so you will not forget if you are attending or not (and the number of guests you are bringing if you are attending).

Feed back always grateful

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Re: New website

Post by Bluesman »

Nice work Nick. Looks good all over and the color schedule works well for my eyes.
"Make My Day"

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Re: New website

Post by zinc »

Great work - The only think I would suggest is to use smooth scroll for your links so it does not "jump" to the sections.
Running WYSIWYG Web Builder since 2007...
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Re: New website

Post by ncj71 »

Thanks for feed back zinc. Will certainly look into smooth scrolling
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Location: Birmingham, AL

Re: New website

Post by rcandrews001 »

Nice work! A well done one page site. Your choice of colors work well for the subject.
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