This image shows the height and width of an ul list (highlighted). this list is generated using php reading a database inside an html (named html4) tag:
Code: Select all
echo '<ul class="collection-list">';
foreach ($result as $row) {
echo "<li>".$row["Category"]."</li>";
echo "</ul>";
The top layout grid is the base layout, used as a template on all my pages to avoid getting to close to the edges (have 3 columns only use the middle and using the 2 external as a "padding")
The second layout grid is the working grid, divided in two at the moment and using the right part to post the list.
The thing is that i want the height of both layout grids to be adaptable to the content. i do not want to be cut like it is now, the height of the list is "unknown" (i mean it can get longer or smaller.
HTML4 is NOT with overflow: auto, as it only puts scroll adapting to the layout grid.
How can i make the layout adaptable and larger?