The Extension produces the inserted HTML code at Start of Page shown below.
I am obviously using a Cookie named DONCHECK, but I have no idea where to find it to see what it contains.
I also cannot remember where I obtained the basis of PHP Counter7, and cannot find any Help file.
I Googled 'Cookies' 'till I was blue in the face but could not really find anything that tells me WHERE to find DONCHECK, so any suggestions would be very appreciated.
$revisit = "No";
//check if first visit
$revisit = "Yes" ;
$play = " " ;
$cookie_name = "first";
$cookie_value = "XX";
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value);
$play = "autoplay" ;
//check if MY computer
$cookie_name = "DONCHECK";
$user = " ";
$user = $_COOKIE[$cookie_name];
// get the visit count, and update if first visit and NOT on my computer
$file = fopen("Counter.txt", 'r');
$data = fread($file, filesize("Counter.txt"));
if ($data !== false)
$hits = intval($data);
if ($user != "Don3" && $revisit != "Yes")
$file = fopen("Counter.txt", 'w');
flock($file, LOCK_EX);
fwrite($file, $hits);
flock($file, LOCK_UN);