I have a project that is making a call to api.geoapify.com (a free for low volume users geocode service). I send it a latitude, longitude and my API key and it returns the geocode data for that LAT and LON in JSON.
https://api.geoapify.com/v1/geocode/rev ... 511b446ae2
(I've obfuscated the API key and location)
When I type in my home latitude and longitude, the return data is complete and easy to work with in my program.
But when I send it data using a variable for the LAT and LON, I get an error:
Code: Select all
{"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"\"lat\" must be a number"}
I am completely baffled why the API thinks the latitude is not a number.
Could I write a page on my website that simulates the API call so that I may examine what may be in the numbers passed to the real API?