create a custom contract generator?

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create a custom contract generator?

Post by alexoliveira »

Hello friends,

I would like to know if I can create a tool where I can make a PDF contract generator available ? example:
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Re: create a custom contract generator?

Post by wwonderfull »

Possible but would require server sided coding along with JavaScript dynamic templating. But if you assume wwb then there is no built in or addons to do that kind of custom stuff.

And the site you gave also has some bugs or something some values which had been written after reediting it did not change the value.
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Re: create a custom contract generator?

Post by alexoliveira »

I am really determined to create a contract generator where my clients can generate ready-made contracts and only change selected information, I will be grateful if you give me some direction on how to start
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Re: create a custom contract generator?

Post by BaconFries »

There is a javascript/jquery library called jsPDF available that will do this for you (or could). You can find it at the following:jsPDF Note this is for reference only to be able to use you will need to understand how and where you insert the script(s) correctly in the html of the page.

See the following using the jspdf script.Example Note I did not create this it is only an example that I came across originally from Stackoverflow when searching on this.
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Re: create a custom contract generator?

Post by wwonderfull »

Yes as @baconfries has shared it is the perfect thing to get started with.
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Re: create a custom contract generator?

Post by alexoliveira »

thanks for the support team, you are wonderful

I will start
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Re: create a custom contract generator?

Post by alexoliveira »

Bacon, I studied it and would like to know how to use this code in conjunction with wysiwyg to run in the same format?
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Re: create a custom contract generator?

Post by BaconFries »

Bacon, I studied it and would like to know how to use this code in conjunction with wysiwyg to run in the same format?
Sorry I cannot help you, the url was was information only that you have a basic understanding how to insert. Reading from the url, the script author can assist you to implement it into your page/site for a fee/payment.
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