Here is what my project looks like in the Workspace...

Here is what my project looks like in the Browser Preview...

The upper Flex Grid has 3 columns and 1 row...

The lower Flex Grid has 10 columns and 1 row...

The goal is to make sure that the text never goes past 800 pixels wide.
I had to split the lower Flex Grid into enough columns to make it 100% WYSIWYG.
There seems to be some sort of default setting that treats all of the columns as an equal percentage of the overall width of the Flex Grid when viewing in the Workspace.
Thus, the upper Flex Grid has its three columns defaulting to 33.3% each in the Workspace.
The lower Flex Grid has its ten columns defaulting to 10% each in the Workspace.
My question is this...
Is there a way to avoid splitting the columns in the lower Flex Grid to make it WYSIWYG in the Workspace?
Here is the demo project... ... review.wbs