In workspace preview the overflowing text might show somewhat hidden inside the container but after you press F5 which locally publishes the site then the text looks fine. I don't see any problem.
So, in conclusion your concern was about how it shows on preview rather than publish even the screenshot attests to that indication.
Previewing in browser it shows fine, just shows as hidden in the software which can be an issue if you can't see the full text to edit, this is a header text so not editing directly.
The reason the height is not correct is because the font size of the style (H1) is not the same as the style of the object itself.
To solve this:
- In the style propertied of the heading, set the style (temporarily) to 'none', so you can modify the local style.
- Set the font size the same as in the style (36)
- re-select the style