This section is for posting questions which are not directly related to WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Examples of off topics: web server configuration, hosting, programming related questions, third party scripts.
Note that these questions will generally not be answered by the administrators of this forum.
A long time ago, I founded a radio station called Fantasy Radio. Though I eventually stepped away when life got too busy, others have kept the station alive and thriving.
Every now and then, I enjoy creating jingles and graphics as a way to unwind and focus on something creative outside of work.
Here’s a mashup of some jingles (and graphics) I recently made for Christmas—just for fun!
Pablo wrote: ↑Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:35 pm
It's an Internet radio station, so it's available everywhere
Amazing and astonished. As you already said others operate the site not sure they know the true capability of wwb or how to design with it but that site was built with wp somehow. But advanced stuffs do need custom code but I think could it not have been possible to use 3rd party scripts inside wwb to make the same site. What do you think pablo..
The site has blog can be managed, the site has "Events" we have extensions and calendars for it too. We even have media players more stylish and event friendly along with better layout to design.