1) I've stuck primarily to "web-safe" and "Google fonts." I had used (and removed) Futura-Black, Futura XBlk BT & Futura Windows Extra Black. I conceded these fonts to Arial Black.
2) The "New Despair Computer Repair" layout boxes are shorter in these browser previews at default (1900 px width).
3) I have reviewed and tweaked my settings as follows:
A. Performed the "rich edit" file tweak as recommended here: viewtopic.php?t=96707
B. OPTIONS/General - All "Responsive Web Design Boxes" are checked.
C. OPTIONS/Fonts (checked) - "Display Font Variations," "Automatically scale new objects in other breakpoints," "Automatically use "@font-facefor non web-safe fonts," both Google options boxes checked, using Font Awesome6.
D. USER INTERFACE (checked) - "Enable High DPI Support (restart required) - among other boxes checked (had also uploaded my system folder for your reference).
* * * * *
Some misc. questions - 1) Is it better to post & reference currently as I am doing here or respond to a thread that covers the subject also, even if the thread is more than 2-3 yrs. old?
2) Some of the longer depth web pages I have sometimes morph deeper than the working screen/scroll will cover - even when I reduce to 75%. I suppose that means it will be impossible on a tablet or mobile phone and have to figure out how to pare that down?
3) We're getting there.