live HTML rendering: is works or not?

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live HTML rendering: is works or not?

Post by manuel_songokuh »


i did try extension builder, i did add html and proprietis , but preview is empty..i want to know why? i did see file PDf documentation but not say all..

example your toobox i take a onject and enter in page result there is preview in real-time.. my extention not realtime.. empty.. white..
i need more information..?

or i send you my file wbx testing or explain me..?
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Re: live HTML rendering: is works or not?

Post by Pablo »

Maybe the code you have added is invalid or incomplete?
Or maybe you have disabled live HTML rendering in Tools ->Options->Extensions
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Re: live HTML rendering: is works or not?

Post by manuel_songokuh »

tool - option-extention is actived


I’m trying to create a custom extension using Extension Builder.
I added HTML, CSS, and properties, but the preview is empty (white).
I want to understand why the live HTML rendering is not working.

I did:

I set the Render method to Live HTML rendering.
I added my HTML and CSS in the Code between <BODY> tag and Between <style> tag sections.
I configured properties like $tabCount$, $backgroundColor$, etc.

However, in the preview, I only see a white space. When I test the extension in WYSIWYG WebBuilder, the component works in the browser but not in the editor.

I read the PDF documentation, but it doesn’t explain why the live HTML rendering isn’t working. Can you help me understand what I’m missing? Do you need my .wbx file for testing, or can you provide more information?
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Re: live HTML rendering: is works or not?

Post by Pablo »

First note that there is no support on Extension Builder. This tool is provided as an extra service and shared "AS IS".

Code for rendering, should be added to the 'Render HTML' section of the extension.
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