Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this same issue.
When I post a link on my Facebook page to one of my websites, Facebook opens the website up in their own built-in browser.
The Facebook browser does not display my website the same way all other browsers do. I am having to adjust my website to accommodate Facebook, but then it doesn't look good on the rest of the browsers.
Here's a example:
This picture is how it looks on the FB browser, after I adjusted all the elements to accommodate. This is how it should look on any browser.

Then, because of the adjustments I had to make, this is how it looks on my desktop computer's Chrome Browser and my phone's browser:

Is there a solution to this matter?
Here's a link to the page: ... lipcollars
Scroll down to the space between the Slip Collars and the Puppy Whelping Collars. How does it look at your end?