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Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:27 am
by amrajadhyaksha
BaconFries Wrote:
Image Rotator Updated as of 14/11/11 can be downloade via the etension manager in WB7/8
WB 8 too? When is that happening?
Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:26 pm
by me.prosenjeet
Removed the message, I could figure out what I was doing wrong!

Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:13 am
by mrwillow
I like the idea of this one, especially to add music. Where can I get the full instructions on getting this one up and running?
Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 10:19 am
by BaconFries
Please read the enclosed PDF file of thr extension. This can be found by clicking on Help in the extensions properties.
Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:37 am
by mrwillow
Hi, thank you for pointing me to the instructions. However, all does not seem clear, at least not to me. I create a collection in "Rotator Playlist", music and Images - all fine. But then I would have thought the "Slideshow Settings" would simply be a set of instructions to this playlist. Instead, I see a blank box with "Add", "Edit", etc.. I tried playing around with all this, at first clicking "Add" and then experimenting with the settings, as per the PDF instructions. But then when previewing the Presentation in-browser, it was about as haphazard as you can get. Also, within the "Rotator Playlist" instructions, does "Image Title" and "Image Information" have any bearing on anything? In other words, can I write something here and what I write somehow be included in the final Presentation? Please advise.
Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:17 am
by BaconFries
At present I am unable to test this due to not having access to PC and answering by phone/ tablet. When inserting images ensure that there names are all valid no spacing no special charcters. The Title you refer to is the name of the imge so if the image name is mybeautifulimage.jpg then the title is My beautiful image minus the file extension .jpg. The Image Description is just a simple descrition of what the image looks like so if it is an Ferrai racing then you would insert something like My beauiful Ferrari racing. As mentioned I am not able to test or assist furthet due to not having access to PC to give you a better answer sorry..
Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:43 am
by mrwillow
Thank you, although can I wait until you have access to a PC and check into my query? As said, creating a "1. Image Rotator Playlist" is simple enough, but "2. Slideshow Settings" seems confusing - not the actual settings per se, but that "Add" and "Edit", etc., implies (at least to me) adding more Images, when I would have thought that once the Playlist is created in "1." there would be no need for further such adding in "2.". Thank you.
Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:01 pm
by mrwillow
Sorry, but just don't get how this thing works (see above). Please help, anyone.
Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 9:35 am
by mrwillow
Anyone want to throw some light on this?
Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:48 pm
by BaconFries
Ok I can finally try and answer you. What is confusing in the Slideshow settings?. There is no mention of adding anymore images than you have previously done so in the image playlist. The only other image you can add is a logo.The use of a logo depends on what the Image rotator is displaying, lets say you have made a site for a Photographer, and he/she wishes there logo to be displayed in the image rotator, then you can add a logo on top of the images, this would work like a watermark, this is all this setting is for. All other settings are how the rotator should function this includes any effects such as transitions, autostart, the rotators color how it will look. There is only one other reference to the images and that is the width and height these are set here in the slideshow settings and not in the Playlist because they do not get stored in the playlist xml file, they get embeded in the page html, where the images get called from a xml file along with the oter settings. Hope this is a little clearer to you.
Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 14/11/11***
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:16 pm
by BaconFries
The extension can only be downloaded and installed via the extension manager in WB9. Or you can manually download from the following.
Please also note that this extenson is now provided "As IS" I no lionger support this as it is no longer supoorted bt the original author.
Re: JW Image Rotator 3.17 ***Update 19/09/13***
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:30 pm
by BaconFries
Please note that this extenson is now provided "As Is" I no lionger support this as it is no longer supported by the original author BF.