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Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:12 pm
by BaconFries
Phewwwww what can I say that hasnt already beed said about this extension it just keeps getting better and better...great work.....

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:46 pm
by me.prosenjeet
I sincerely wish Support incorporates this in WB as an update or this extension becomes official at least so those using the illegal ones (believe me there are still many) will not have access to this!

***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 19/08/2009

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:06 am
by Navaldesign
Another Update:

Added a small addon extension: DBTS reCAPTCHA.
It will allow you to embed a reCAPTCHA in your forms in just a few mouseclicks.

The Processor code has been accordingly updated to be able to verify the reCAPTCHA.

Before adding a reCAPTCHA in your forms, signup for a reCAPTCHA account and generate your Private and Public Keys. It is free and extremely easy and fast.

Please refer to the manual for instructions.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:14 am
by star57
Naval, what can I say! Just I admire your determination and persistence on a great extension of the highway to make it a perfect extension.

Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 19/08/2009

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:18 am
by zinc
Navaldesign wrote:Another Update:

Added a small addon extension: DBTS reCAPTCHA.
It will allow you to embed a reCAPTCHA in your forms in just a few mouseclicks.

The Processor code has been accordingly updated to be able to verify the reCAPTCHA.

Before adding a reCAPTCHA in your forms, signup for a reCAPTCHA account and generate your Private and Public Keys. It is free and extremely easy and fast.

Please refer to the manual for instructions.
I love it!!! Thank you George!!! You are indeed an inspiration!!!

***UPDATED*** DBTS Form Processor 22/08/2009

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:29 pm
by Navaldesign
This is a bug fixing release, discovered thanks to an error encountered by Leepton.

Please download and install again DBTS Form Processor and DBTS Preview.

Special Instructions in case that both the DBTS Form processor and the DBTS Preview objects are present in the page: Until the Manual is also updated, make sure that the DBTS Preview object is infront (Right Click, Move to Front) .

Clear Session should be set to "Yes" in both objects.

***UPDATED*** DB reCAPTCHA 23/08/2009

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:23 pm
by Navaldesign
The DBTS Preview Extension has been updated. Now you can select among the standard reCAPTCHA themes the one you prefer.

You can also select the "Clean" theme, which allows you to customize the colors according to your preferences.

The Manual has also been updated accordingly.

This is not a required update. It is recommended for those that wish control over on the reCAPTCHA style.

The other extensions in the zip remain the same, so you can re-install only the DBTS reCAPTCHA extension.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:36 am
by zinc
Remember Guys!

There are 3 GURUS on this forum (Apart from Pablo)

George, Eddy, BaconFries

They have come up with FANTASTIC extensions which has proved to invaluable in building websites.

So a HUGE thank you to you guys for your constant efforts and willingness to help ALL THE TIME!!!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:50 am
by iamafireman
dont know if i have overlooked it, but if i use the wwb6 captcha , and they happen to enter the wrong code is there a way to keep the info they have entered. also the error page, anyway to change it.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:11 am
by Navaldesign
Please look at the manual, there are detailed instructions BOTH on preserving the values if captcha is mistaken, and how to build the error page.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:13 pm
by me.prosenjeet
Hi Naval,
Very nice extension :lol:
Since you gave us some quick and lovely updates of this, was wondering if something new is coming up!

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:33 pm
by Navaldesign
The CSV Manager extension is on its way.

Demo in

<only the <demo 3 is online.

No download yet as I'm testing this first one

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:43 pm
by iamafireman
I have my form work good. I have a logo that show no problem. I want to change that logo but it keeps showing the old logo. I have cleared all cache and temporary files but it still shows on 2 different email accounts. The funny thing is that I have deleted the old logo so its not even on the server anymore. any ideas what i can do to get the new logo to work??

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:27 pm
by Navaldesign
The logo is read by the script EACH time the mail is sent, and is then embedded in the mail body. . So it seems impossible that you have changed it and it still displays the same. Further more, as you understand, it would nit even find it, since you say you have deleted it.

Please post the logo path as you have it in the form processor settings and a link to the form itself.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:20 pm
by iamafireman
I got it. I had my folders mixed up and didnt realize I had 2 forms. I knew if i deleted it there was no way to find it, I had deleted the wrong one.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:09 am
by Navaldesign
RenoRock wrote:Looks like that works, but how can I prevent a rewrite of that file upon revision to the page?
I will prepare an updated version to take care of SSL as soon as possible.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:10 am
by Navaldesign
Jacobnz wrote:any chance you can upload a demo project? I cant get this to work at all.
Why not ? What is your issue ?

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:28 am
by Navaldesign
The form method must be POST

I believe that the rest is very clear.

If you get a "Page doesn't exist" it means that you have mistaken the success URL or Error URL.

I hope you are not trrying to test the form in preview, it doesn't work until published as it requires php

The minimum settings for a simple form to work are

success and error URLs, your email address, and of course, setting your preferences to Yes or No.

If you have specific questions I will be glad to answer them, I don't have the time at this very moment to create a demo project.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:15 am
by Navaldesign
Please expain: is this a simple form ? A multipage form ?

A link to the published form so i can have a lok ?

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:40 am
by Navaldesign
You have some issue with your form action.

It should be

<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>

which, when published, should be transformed to "aform.php"

In your case this doesn't happen, it changes the initial "<" and the closing ">" to their HTML codes: &lt and &gt which results in the action being completely wrong.

This is not an issue of the extension but an issue with your publishing or the DOC type.

Two differents forms in one website (not multipage forms)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:19 pm
by kovarka

Is it possible to create two forms using the DBTS form processor in each form. Or do I have to create another map for each form.
Asking in an other way: does the .php in the DBTS_includes map support just one form or does it their work for both of them?

A second question: Does the Preview extension create his own layout on the preview page or do I have to create something myself. How does it work?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:28 pm
by Navaldesign
You can use ore than one forms in the same page, with DBTS Form processor. However, you need to use TWO DBTS Form Processor objects, one for each form. TIP: create the first DBTS Form Processor Pbject, then simply copy/paste it and change whatever needs to be changed for each form

It is ESSENTIAL that you use Form IDs (read manual) so each DBTS Form Processor Object will ONLY process the correct form.

The DBTS Preview Object creates automatically the layout based on your own preferences regarding colors, fonts etc.
However it also allows you NOT to use the automatic layout, and use your own layout if you prefer (pls read manual instructions).

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:10 am
by kovarka
Thank you.

After carefully reading the manual again I saw the answer was in it.

Now I have still another problem. The processor sends two emails of each form. One from the form page and one from tehe preview page.
When the preview pages shows up in the browser the mail in already in my mailbox.
I have set the form processor in the formpage (with the fields to enter) to do NOT anything.
What do I wrong

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:23 am
by Navaldesign
This seems quite strange to me. Can you send me your project so i can have a look ? If yes, use my contact form to attach the file (or use the demo form related to this extension).

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:45 am
by kovarka
I have find my mistake.

I redirected to the preview page as success page.

The preview must be activated bij a button of my own.

Al works fine now.

Sorry for bordering you.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:49 am
by tdr
Navaldesign wrote:<? echo implode(",", $Choices);?>
Thankyou very much for your prompt rely.

When I use this I get 0) as the output.

Can I doublecheck I am doing this correctly:
should the <? echo' and ';?> go into the HTML before & after tags?
What about the '. and .' delimiters shown in the manual - do I need to use these around the field name?

I've tried all sorts of combinations on the echo implode but can't seem to make it work - it either comes out as a literal string or I get parse errors.

thanks much..I'm trying to get a handle on php but not much joy...

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:06 pm
by Navaldesign
>If you are using the text method of the manual, you should try this:


In the Befiore tag, add

$Choices1 = implode(",", $Choices);
echo '

and in the after tag the known:


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:27 am
by haakoo
Hi George,

I tried out your processing extension.
But no matter what,I don't get the error page allthough the setting is redirect.
If you make a typo in recaptcha but use the same amount of chars it will
goto succes page.
If completly wrong recaptcha it shows the recaptcha error in the recaptcha box(this I understand).
I like it to go to the error page,I thought this was the purpose of the redirect feature.

If not using recaptcha but the build in captcha and making a typo it shows a blank page with "you entered the wrong code"and the backlink,not the error page.
But when entering the right code it shows the error page?


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:10 pm
by Navaldesign
A link to your form please ? Break it so it won't get captured by bots

Preserving form values for multivalue fields

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:24 pm
by tdr
I have been following the instructions in the DBTS manual on how to preserve your form values. It works great for text boxes and radio buttons, but I cannot get it to work for multi-value checkboxes...I presume the if statement for the inside tag needs to be written differently?


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:33 pm
by haakoo
Hi George,

Here testing links 3w dot webvormer dot nl/content/contact/ (with build in captcha)
3w dot webvormer dot nl/content/contact2/ (with recaptcha)

Now even the success nor the error page work with recaptcha form.


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:06 pm
by Navaldesign
They both seem working just fine ??

Replace the X image, in the error page , with (or add) the text ##error## so it will report the actual error when an error occurs, then test again.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:47 pm
by haakoo
Hi George,

I did like you said and it made things better(should read the manual better :oops: )


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:01 am
by me.prosenjeet
I have a "File upload" in the form. I am facing two issues:

1) On the form processor I have set "do not upload file to server" and attach in mail only but when the form reaches me, the form upload shows in the mail with a path to the uploaded file on the server. When clicked upon the link it shows "Not found". How can I remove this false link of Server file upload. (This is the link I get(actual site name replaced my '') : ... ection.doc).
This file also shows as an attachment in the mail(which is ok)

This is the mail that comes to the admin:

Screenshot of the Form processor settings:

2) I had initially put 2 upload sections. Now what happens in the mail, first upload shows as link above ( ... ection.doc) and the second file comes as an attachment without server store link

I dont know if I am able to explain what I want to convey. If required, I will mail you the link to the online demo. Please let me know.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:37 am
by Navaldesign
This bug has been brought to my attention some time ago and fixed in version 2.1.4 currently uploaded, as well as the autoresponder attachments issue.
If the "Store on the server" is set to "No" the uploaded files now will appear simply as file names and, of course, they will be attached in the mail (IF you have set it to attach the files to the mail)

Make sure that you have this latest version installed. (2.1.4)

If not, download and install again.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:27 pm
by me.prosenjeet
Thanks Naval, didn't notice the new version. Thanks for the perfect now :-)

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:58 pm
by me.prosenjeet
This link on the pdf for mentioning time zone isnt working here. Any alternative please :oops:

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:13 pm
by Navaldesign

Re: Preserving form values for multivalue fields

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:53 am
by tdr
tdr wrote:I have been following the instructions in the DBTS manual on how to preserve your form values. It works great for text boxes and radio buttons, but I cannot get it to work for multi-value checkboxes...I presume the if statement for the inside tag needs to be written differently?

I thought I would try this for the inside HTML:

<? if (
in_array("value", $fieldname)) {
echo "checked";

but I get this error
Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument

Any advice would be appreciated.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:13 am
by Navaldesign
There are 4 mistakes in your approach:

1. $fieldname is the array of fieldnames. "value" will never be in it.
2. $fieldname doesn't exist when coming back to the form page
3. "value" would never, anyway, exist in the $fieldname array, even if it existed.
4. of course, "value" is the imploded value, so yo will never find each checkboxes value there.

Solution: suppose that you have named your multiple checkboxes "hobbies"


$hobbies_array = explode(",", $hobbies);
if (in_array("specific checkbox value", $hobbies_array)) {
echo "checked";

Replace specific checkbox value with the actual value of the checkbox.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:49 am
by tdr
Navaldesign wrote:There are 4 mistakes in your approach:

1. $fieldname is the array of fieldnames. "value" will never be in it.
2. $fieldname doesn't exist when coming back to the form page
3. "value" would never, anyway, exist in the $fieldname array, even if it existed.
4. of course, "value" is the imploded value, so yo will never find each checkboxes value there.

Solution: suppose that you have named your multiple checkboxes "hobbies"


$hobbies_array = explode(",", $hobbies);
if (in_array("specific checkbox value", $hobbies_array)) {
echo "checked";

Replace specific checkbox value with the actual value of the checkbox.
Sorry, I have misled you and should have been clearer in my posting - I was using $fieldname and value as generic placeholders to show the syntax of the php I was using, not the actual fieldname or possible values. Anyhow, thanks for the additional information - I wasn't doing the explode so I will test that now.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:56 am
by tdr
No success with this - the error messages are now gone, but the checkboxes are not not remembering their choices...

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:58 am
by Navaldesign
You can send me your project through my site contact form and I will have a look. Please clarify which form we are talking about (page).

test drive

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:41 am
by bry
I didn't make it out of the parking lot. I just threw a page together with your extension on the page. Since it was then blank, I inserted three form editboxes

I got a screen full of code. I gather I broke a rule but not sure which one.

I printed the manual and have questions. 2nd paragraph, you say, "Safe Mode" must be off. I thought that might be a folder attribute on host server but couldn't find it.

Still on first page, 4th paragraph, you say, dbts form processor extension allows us to process forms created with wb6. "However, if you create a blank page and add the DBTS Form Processor object in it, you can use it to process any other submission from any of your pages or even from another website." So I understand dbts will act as the form processor for all other forms on any other pages, but what does it mean "or even from another website"?


Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:29 am
by tdr
say for example I have an editbox on a form called BusinessName.
The user types in Joe's Pizza and clicks submit.

DBTS preview correctly displays the data as Joe's Pizza in the table, but if I use the variable name somewhere else on the same page, I get Joe\'s Pizza.

I am using this code:

Your business name is '.$BusinessName.'

Before Tag:

After Tag:

Your business name is Joe\'s Pizza

How do I fix this? thanks.

Re: test drive

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:40 am
by Navaldesign

bry wrote:I didn't make it out of the parking lot. I just threw a page together with your extension on the page. Since it was then blank, I inserted three form editboxes

I got a screen full of code. I gather I broke a rule but not sure which one.
Rule: pages with php code MUST be published as PHP and not as html.

But, WHY did you use a separate page and not your own form page ?
And WHY did you add these editboxes ? for what purpose?
I printed the manual and have questions. 2nd paragraph, you say, "Safe Mode" must be off. I thought that might be a folder attribute on host server but couldn't find it.
Safe Mode ON or OFF is a PHP setting of your server. If set to ON (used to be in the past) it disallows all file operations, so you can't save in CSV file.
Still on first page, 4th paragraph, you say, dbts form processor extension allows us to process forms created with wb6. "However, if you create a blank page and add the DBTS Form Processor object in it, you can use it to process any other submission from any of your pages or even from another website." So I understand dbts will act as the form processor for all other forms on any other pages, but what does it mean "or even from another website"?

Means that IF you want to have submissions from other websites directly processed by your own form processor, you can do it.

Example: my own scripts, which I install on my clients websites, include a support form. This support form submits directly to a form processor in my very own site so i can store the submitted details in my own database.

Get multi-value checkboxes to remember their choices

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:42 am
by tdr
Navaldesign wrote:You can send me your project through my site contact form and I will have a look. Please clarify which form we are talking about (page).
Thanks to Navaldesign this is now working great. In order for multi-value checkboxes to remember their values, use the latest version of DBTS form processor, and include this in the inside HTML tag for the checkboxes:

if (!empty($Choices) and in_array("Selection 1", $Choices)) {
echo "checked";

Replace red text with the actual checkbox name and value you are testing for.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:49 am
by Navaldesign
tdr wrote:say for example I have an editbox on a form called BusinessName.
The user types in Joe's Pizza and clicks submit.

DBTS preview correctly displays the data as Joe's Pizza in the table, but if I use the variable name somewhere else on the same page, I get Joe\'s Pizza.

I am using this code:

Your business name is '.$BusinessName.'

Before Tag:

After Tag:

Your business name is Joe\'s Pizza

How do I fix this? thanks.

Your business name is '.stripslashes($BusinessName).'

Re: test drive

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:37 pm
by bry
But, WHY did you use a separate page and not your own form page ?
And WHY did you add these editboxes ? for what purpose?

I was trying several different forms if I understand your first question correctly. So if you pulled down all the pages under "formtest", you would have seen all of my experiments. I will go back this afternoon and start over.

I just put up the editboxes very quickly to see if they would submit with the test that I typed into them. I gather you are saying that I should not have done that?

Thanks, you are a genius, but beyond that, also a very kind person to help so many. I will soon be sending you a donation through your site.

Loss of data

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:30 am
by chattd
Hi Navaldesign

Probably been answered some where in the 26 pages but cant seem to find an easy way to locate it.

Anyway back to why I'm here, If you make an error when you submit, and press the back button all information entered is gone how can you stop this from happening. :?: