WYSIWYG Web Builder 3.3.1a released

All the latest news about WYSIWYG Web Builder can be read in this section

*** The current version is: WYSIWYG Web Builder 20.1.0 ***

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WYSIWYG Web Builder 3.3.1a released

Post by Pablo »

Now available: WYSIWYG Web Builder 3.3.1a

This version fixes all known problems:
- Fixed: All items in the 'Link to' of the Add Rectangle Hotspot appeared twice.
- Fixed: Dragging of Hotspot shapes sometimes locked.
- Fixed: Marquee up/down direction showed up with the wrong size.
- Fixed: Web Builder extensions (addon) engine now works properly (more coming soon...)
- Fixed: Z-Order issues with Ready-To-Use-JavaScripts
- Fixed: Editing tables which where part of embedded page could crash the application.
- Fixed: HTML output problem with Ready-To-Use-JavaScripts
