WYSIWYG Web Builder 3.5 released

All the latest news about WYSIWYG Web Builder can be read in this section

*** The current version is: WYSIWYG Web Builder 20.1.0 ***

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WYSIWYG Web Builder 3.5 released

Post by Pablo »

Now available: WYSIWYG Web Builder 3.5

- Fixed: Problem with TabIndex of EditBox.
- Fixed: Justify alignment in table cells.
- Fixed: Cancel button in 'Save changes' window didn't work as expected.
- Improved: Projects created with newer versions are now detected.
- Improved: The height of the Horizontal line can no longer be higher than 100 pixels (HTML limit).
- Added: Inside Anchor Tag (custom HTML field) in Images and Shape
- Added: You can now add custom HTML for Text Links!
- Added: Holding down the SHIFT while pasting text will insert unformatted text.
- Added: Target field now also displays inline frame names.
- Added: Text can now also be published as image! So now you can even use non-websafe fonts!
- Added: Banner borders (solid, Circle, Disc, Square and Dashed)
- Added: 'Don't synchronize this page in Navigation Objects' setting in Page Properties.
- Added: Background repeat and horizontal/vertical aligment
- Added: Default text color in Page Properties
- Added: Ad Rotator now allows multiple selection (in properties hold SHIFT-key while pressing Add)
- Added: 'Make Default' buttons in Page Properties, saves the current values as defaults for new pages.
