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Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 4:06 pm
by me.prosenjeet
NEWS FLASHER extension for webbuilder 5 and above
Created by me.prosenjeet (


What is News Flasher Extension?

This is an extension by which you can post news and updates on your website. It is flash based and has an Admin panel to add/delete/edit the news online

I quote the License file that was along with the script:
Oh man!
Who likes to see these disgusting license infos!! I know you should
agree with me too.
This is completely free. It's now totally yours. You can use this
script just as the way you like, or even don't like you can even
delete this. :P

But please don't knock me with questions regarding installation.

Because I forget everything what I wrote in the fla, php or in others
after few days! Crying... :'0 :|

By the way...
If you put a link back to my site, I'll never forget you! Although
being remembered by me is not necessay for you, Right? ;D
This is just way to show thanks to me! ^_^

Hence, I did not put any license or the website or the author or whatever on the extension and I have edited the script in various places, added few things and also strengthened the Admin login by using another self designed script. Earlier the login to the admin section could not be changed and was “adminâ€

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 4:50 pm
by neo_webbuilder
please view your demo page in ff 3.10 ie8 and chrome.

ff.3.10 is different the link goto adminsection is not visible. In chrome also not visible. Only in ie8

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 4:52 pm
by me.prosenjeet
neo_webbuilder wrote:please view your demo page in ff 3.10 ie8 and chrome.

ff.3.10 is different the link goto adminsection is not visible. In chrome also not visible. Only in ie8
Thanks for pointing that, I will edit and post again :lol:


Download version updated as suggested by neo_webbuilder

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:58 pm
by zinc
Can I ask what is this obsession with .CC (Coco Islands) domains? Doesn't India have its own?

Also why you keep packaging WBB Feature PDF and adding 1,088,558 KB to the ZIP is beyond me!!!!!!!!! :? It is pointless and off-putting and I cannot be bothered to even try out your extensions!

I am sure others would agree with me that is not your job to bash WWB's bible!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:05 pm
by me.prosenjeet
sneil69 wrote:Can I ask what is this obsession with .CC (Coco Islands) domains? Doesn't India have its own?
CO.CC - Free Domain name registration + Free DNS service. is a free domain thats all! :lol:
Also why you keep packaging WBB Feature PDF and adding 1,088,558 KB to the ZIP is beyond me!!!!!!!!! It is pointless and off-putting and I cannot be bothered to even try out your extensions!

I am sure others would agree with me that is not your job to bash WWB's bible!!!!
I am doing that simply to promote the new version is amazing.
Ok from next extension onwards I will not add that :lol:

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:49 pm
by Eddy
Hence, I did not put any license or the website or the author or whatever on the extension

This is just way to show thanks to me! ^_^

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:57 am
by me.prosenjeet
....I am having the same problems, I set the password to my own before uploading but it only opens with the password admin, and the password is printed in red on bottom of page for all to see.
I flushed my cookies out and still get the same problem....
This should not happen, there is a wrapper "Administrator Password" that is required AT LEAST ONCE to goto the page where you need "admin" as password. The password you are setting in the extension is the wrapper password without entering that you cannot enter the admin zone. But once you have entered the "Administrator Password" next time onwards it will not ask that and will take you directly to the page where you need to feed the default word "admin".

I have used the "session protection' processes to secure the "ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD" login area-

Session Protection:
This protection type uses cookies to store a password on user's local machine. The cookie with secured information is destroyed after closing all web browsers.

So, don't worry if you don't see the Administration Password being asked more than once. It is secure.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:35 am
by neo_webbuilder
I have a problem with the visitor online extension.

the permission is set to 777 and i stil get a error.....

Are there more file which need to be set to 777 ?

Error! There is a write permission problem. You need to CHMOD the file: synidkutvoll.php to 777.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:09 pm
by me.prosenjeet
neo_webbuilder wrote:I have a problem with the visitor online extension.

the permission is set to 777 and i stil get a error.....

Are there more file which need to be set to 777 ?

Error! There is a write permission problem. You need to CHMOD the file: synidkutvoll.php to 777.
I hope that was sorted out thru online chat

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:53 am
by randm
Hi me.Prosenjeet - I like the idea of this extension, but I can't make it work. I have successfully installed it on my page - at least, it shows up - and I am trying to edit the properties but I don't understand what I'm supposed to put in the fields for "Admin Link" and "Target Page for Admin Link to Open".

I have created a page, but what am I supposed to do with it? And what do I do with this "_blank" in the "Target Page" field? I don't understand what it's supposed to do.

I can't figure out where to find the admin entry box that shows in your demo. When I click on Go to Admin Section on my published page, it takes me to an "Authentication Required" dialog box that asks me for a username and password and says, "A username and password are being requested by The site says: "admin"." I never created a username in the properties box, so not sure what to use - but "admin" with the unique password I did create doesn't work. The "Requires Authentication" dialog box just pops up again.

What am I missing, please?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:58 am
by me.prosenjeet
I believe the extension has a pdf guide with it that explains everything. Please go through it,,,if you still have issues, let me know

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:01 am
by randm
me.prosenjeet wrote:I believe the extension has a pdf guide with it that explains everything. Please go through it,,,if you still have issues, let me know
Of course I went through the pdf guide already. But, with all due respect, it doesn't seem complete. Please let me illustrate my problem.
How to Install?
Simply open the zip folder and copy the “newsflasher2.wbx” and paste that into your Webbuilder install folder…by default it is "C:\Program Files\WYSIWYG Web Builder 6"
OK, done. Not a problem - have done dozens of times before without issue.
Admin Link URL : Link where you uploaded the script “http:yoursite/admin” ensure the “/admin” is there.

The pdf goes from telling us how to paste the "newsflasher.wbx" into the WebBuilder install folder - straight into giving us the list of the variables. Very next thing is "link to where you uploaded the script". So far all I know is that I unzipped the file and pasted the extension into the WB6 install folder, I dragged the extension onto my page and tried to change the variables with what information I had and could get from the pdf, and then I published my page. If "uploading the script" is publishing it to my page, then my url link would be That has nothing to do with "admin" but you say be sure you ensure the "admin" is there. Is where?? Where does the "admin" part factor in?
Target page for Admin link : blank, same etc (preferably keep default ‘_blank’)
Have no idea what you mean by "blank, same etc (preferably keep default '_blank')" That's exactly what I did . . . . left it _blank because I didn't know what else to do. So, what now?
How to use?
Drag the extension on your page and place it where you want. Update the variables and upload the page as ‘upload all’
Does this mean something other than drag the extension onto your page, update the variables and then publish? Dragging onto the page is not a problem, publishing is not a problem - updating the variables is a problem.
How to Edit/Add/ Delete news?
Login to your Admin panel online and use it.
LOL - sounds so easy. Sure - would do that if I could log in. But I can't. I log in using "admin" as a username - because there are no instructions (and apparently no fields in the "variables") for creating a unique username. I DID create a password in the "variables" but it just bounces me back to "Authentication Required" again. Another thing: you didn't say whether it's necessary to create other pages or not, and if they should be html or php. The pdf instructions talk later about updating the page by "uploading HTML only".

As I mentioned in another thread about the ClickNews extension that several of us can not get to work . . . you guys are brilliant, but most of us are not! You write instructions that make perfect sense to you because you've developed the extension, but one little piece of missing info and it makes no sense to us. I've gotten several extensions to work just fine - I ALWAYS read the pdf, but something is missing in this one. Same thing with the ClickNews extension that someone else built. Apparently several of us have given up on it because the pdf isn't clear.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:08 am
by me.prosenjeet
Give me the URL where you have placed the extension

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:21 am
by randm
me.prosenjeet wrote:Give me the URL where you have placed the extension

It's at the bottom of the page.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:27 am
by randm
Thank you for checking on it for me - I will have to check back later on. It's after one in the morning here and I need to get some sleep. Thanks again.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:01 am
by me.prosenjeet
Ok, here is the problem and the solution....

See this Demo

1) Put the extension on your page....

2) Double click on it....

3) Change the colours, fonts etc as you want....

4) "Admin password" change it to what you want...if not changed, it is ''

5) In the 'Admin link' place the link where your page is being uploaded followed by '/admin'
Example 1: if you are loading your page to '' then in the 'Admin link' you should enter ''
Example 2: If you are loading your page in a folder '" then in the 'Admin link' you should enter ''

6) Please read the pdf, it is written to now upload this page as "Upload all" so do that now.... quote from the pdf :
The extension has various associated files that are also loaded on your server when the page is uploaded as “Upload all”.

You need not create the admin folder manually(as you have done currently), it is done on its own when you upload the page

7) Open your browser and goto the page where you have this on the 'Goto Admin section' and the page that opens will ask you to enter the password....follow the steps there on

8 ) Regarding '_blank", this ensures the Admin page opens in a new window and not on the window your site is already open in.

I hope this will help you to use the extension....let me know

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:19 pm
by randm
Thank you, me.Prosenjeet - I am now almost able to make this extension work . . . with one correction to your instructions and still one problem.

I do have the page, named index, in a folder - because, as you might have noticed, I am also using your calendar on that page. So when I entered (and also in the "Admin link" section, I got page not found. When I finally entered , I was able to get in.

After that I can click on the "Go to Admin page" under the NewsFlasher and it will ask for my password and open the page, and I can enter information and post. Problem: when I go back to the Qyest page, there is nothing in the NewsFlasher box. No info at all after reload/refresh. So I'm still missing something. Maybe I'm not doing this part right?:
The extension has various associated files that are also loaded on your server when the page is uploaded as “Upload all”. Hence if because of any reason you need to upload the same page again as upload all, in that case…do whatever edits you want to do on the page and now when it
is finally ready for upload, right click on the News Flasher extension and ‘CUT’ it… now upload the page as ‘upload all’. Once upload is over, paste the extension back to where it was and upload the page as “Upload HTML only”.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:02 pm
by me.prosenjeet
randm wrote:Thank you, me.Prosenjeet - I am now almost able to make this extension work . . . with one correction to your instructions and still one problem.

I do have the page, named index, in a folder - because, as you might have noticed, I am also using your calendar on that page. So when I entered (and also in the "Admin link" section, I got page not found. When I finally entered , I was able to get in.

After that I can click on the "Go to Admin page" under the NewsFlasher and it will ask for my password and open the page, and I can enter information and post. Problem: when I go back to the Qyest page, there is nothing in the NewsFlasher box. No info at all after reload/refresh. So I'm still missing something. Maybe I'm not doing this part right?:
The extension has various associated files that are also loaded on your server when the page is uploaded as “Upload all”. Hence if because of any reason you need to upload the same page again as upload all, in that case…do whatever edits you want to do on the page and now when it
is finally ready for upload, right click on the News Flasher extension and ‘CUT’ it… now upload the page as ‘upload all’. Once upload is over, paste the extension back to where it was and upload the page as “Upload HTML only”.
You are doing something wrong. Mail me your server details, I need to see the files and also the admin password. me.prosenjeetATgmailDOTcom

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:32 am
by randm
Hi again, me.Prosenjeet. You've been really awesome about helping me, and I posted an inquiry for coding help on this issue in one of the other forums and Eddy is helping me - but I thought of something while having this discussion with him, and that's the following.

I haven't mentioned before that when I try to post an entry, I do get a "time stamp" in the NewsFlasher . . . but the message I tried to post does not appear, and when I go to "edit", the code there seems to indicate that I've tried to post a message - but no message appears there either . . . like this:

<p align="center"><b>(11:12 PM) Tuesday - 16 March 2010</b><br><br><br>|</p>

But this code is different from how your posts appear in the "edit" function - for one thing the "font" part is completely missing.

<p align="center"><b>(11:07 AM) Friday - 08 May 2009</b><br><br><font size="20">by me.prosenjeet</font><br>|</p>

Anyway - I have changed the permissions and that didn't change anything. I have a request in to server support that I hope they will answer about whether or not they have php save mode enabled by default. Not sure what that means, but Eddy suggested it. I'll keep you posted but thought you might be interested in how the extension seems to be trying, at least, to post my entries.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:46 am
by me.prosenjeet
As informed by you through personal email, you said it works on one of your server and doesnt on your other server...hence I still feel it is a server issue. Can you please post the link where you are discussing about this as you mention here:
....and I posted an inquiry for coding help on this issue in one of the other forums and Eddy is helping me....

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:35 pm
by randm
Sure - I'd be happy to. viewtopic.php?p=133101#133101

We're getting closer but still not there yet - and it is definitely a server issue.

Re: NEWS FLASHER Extension

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:12 am
by me.prosenjeet
Sjak wrote:No download link ????

Moet je je eerst registreren dat wat niet werkt (K*T zooi)
This is a three step process to eliminate spam.

1) Register with your real will get a mail with activation link
2) Click on Activation Link...will take you to login page
3) Check your email again for an email with your login password.
Use this to login