WYSIWYG Web Builder 4.03 released!

All the latest news about WYSIWYG Web Builder can be read in this section

*** The current version is: WYSIWYG Web Builder 20.1.0 ***

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WYSIWYG Web Builder 4.03 released!

Post by Pablo »

Version 4.03 fixes all known problems:
- Fixed: Menubar sub menus hide IFRAME and OBJECT.
- Fixed: Hidden Layers visible in Master Page
- Fixed: Objects on hidden Layers still selectable.
- Fixed: Templates not displayed under Microsoft Vista. Vista doesn't support hidden listviews!
- Fixed: Pressing the DEL-key when in Drawing mode crashes application.
- Fixed: 3-pixel offset in Line tool.
- Fixed: Tables and bullet lists offset problem on layers and forms.
- Fixed: Background painting issues on layers and forms.
- Fixed: HTML generated for Layers, Forms and Master Pages did not include sub folder for images.
- Fixed: Drawing tools issues when drawing on layers and forms.

How to update from previous 4.x versions?
1. Download version 4.03 here:
2. If you already have version 4.x you can install it over your previous version. Make sure you select the same folder!