Help needed

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Help needed

Post by smartmedia »


I had buy in the past a Flash image gallery. Now i decide it to make it extension and want your help.
The gallery uses xml file in order to present the images, also uses one other xml for configuration.
I read the help file but still everything looks blur in my head. It's my first time extension.
This is the xml where the photos are stored. Can some one help me to modify it...???

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<category title="Flowers" date_created="12/13/2008">
<photo name="flowers/2.jpg">
<title>Life Between Stones</title>
<![CDATA[<body><u>Aenean tristique</u> pretium purus. <b>Nulla bibendum</b> metus vel lorem. Suspendisse urna leo, dapibus non, bibendum ut, tempor id, massa. Duis massa lacus, ultrices vitae, sodales vehicula, tincidunt vel, sapien. Integer purus.</body>]]>
Do i need to add the modified xml file and check the option "This file requires processing"...???
The gallery use thumbnails also. Those thumbnails are kept in a folder. Do i need to add something in Extension builder in order to automatically generated from the original one...??

That's all for now, any help will appreciate it.

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Re: Help needed

Post by bourin »

I have also designed an WWB Extension for an flash gallery, but based on the C/C++ COM Extension Interface. The configuration for flash gallery based also into a XML file. Perhaps are following hints under ... allery.php useful that you can design your Extension? If not, please let me know more details for your flash product.
professional WWB extensions for tables, MySQL, Excel, e-commerce, measurement, gallery, file uploader, ... - produced from german and thai software engineers
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Re: Help needed

Post by BaconFries »

Please note the terms of making a extension see following url
Do not use scripts that are commercial (for sale) this means that you are unable to share the extension/or script with other users unless you the have the "rights to do so" from the original author as the script should always be bought/purchased from him/her as it is not ment to be distributed for free, and if purchased is only ment for use by one person for personal use only....
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Re: Help needed

Post by smartmedia »


I buy the flash gallery from Flash eden 2 years a go. The author also gave the source code. having the source code i suppose that gives me the right to do what even i want, right...??? Normally when you buy from there you get the royalties also. Correct me i am wrong.
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Re: Help needed

Post by BaconFries »

No...the source files/code are provided for your use only to be used by yourdelf only just because you have the source files doesnt give you the right to supply it to others for "Free", that is why the original author sells it so that he/she can make money from other users who purchase like you have done....if you give it away then how does the original author make anything from it, that is why it is for sale on Flashden and not given away for free....

Lets put it like this you have purchased Web Builder now does that mean you have the right to give it away for free to other people that you know???? or want to simply share it with!

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