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Re: Styles in HTML Textbox

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:17 am
by Pablo
As mentioned in our previous discussion, the HTML textbox is a separate application, it generates its own HTML code. It cannot access the style from the Style Manager.
The HTML textbox is a HTML editor based around the built-in editor functionality of MSHTML (the rendering engine of IE)/. Microsoft has build this component, we cannot change its behavior. We just thought it would make a nice additional to the WWB tools. It is provided "AS IS", for those who find it useful. It was not designed to be part of WYSIWYG Web Builder.

Re: Styles in HTML Textbox

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:39 am
by Navaldesign
Please note that although you can not access the styles, IF your code in the HTML Textbox is edited so that it uses the styles, the content will appear correctly styled if you Preview or Publish the page.
It will not be correctly viewed in the WB workspace but will correctly display when previewed or published.
To make this work 100% make sure that in options you set WB to create a global CSS file.

Re: Styles in HTML Textbox

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:42 pm
by Navaldesign
If, as I mentioned, you set WB to use global file for styles, then the code

<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="mystyle.css" TYPE="text/css">

is automatically added by WB and the global file is accessible by all your pages.

So, if, in example, you define a Hyperlink style in WB, then, in the HTML Textbox, you simply need to use something like (just an example of linking text) :

<a href="" class="mysttyle">Text to link</a>

where the red part is added by you in the HTML textbox code (switcing to HTML mode) and "mystyle" is one of the styles you have defined in WB.

Re: Styles in HTML Textbox

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:19 am
by suflex
I'm late to this party, but I also wished html textbox could use wwb styles. However, I think I may have found a solution and would like some confirmation if this makes sense.

1. Apply the predefined styles given by the html textbox when writing your content
2. Publish your page
3. replace the html textbox's css files with the desired css file

I figured the fastest way to do that would be to make publish empty page using the wwb style you want (without html textbox) use the resulting css file instead of the one generated by html textbox.

Does this solution make sense?