WYSIWYG Web Builder 4.2 now available!

All the latest news about WYSIWYG Web Builder can be read in this section

*** The current version is: WYSIWYG Web Builder 20.1.0 ***

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WYSIWYG Web Builder 4.2 now available!

Post by Pablo »

WYSIWYG Web Builder 4.2 fixes all known problems and introduces some cool new features:

- Fixed: Text Menu alignment problem.
- Fixed: Increased drawing speed for small tiled background images.
- Fixed: Text object could not be hidden using events.
- Fixed: Table cell splitting only partially worked.
- Fixed: Straight lines could not be selected using the rect tracker.
- Fixed: Minor error in generated javascript for events.
- New Feature: Hover Link Color in Page Properties
- New Feature: Option to disable 'Click to activate and use this control' for Flash files in Internet Explorer. (Tools->Options->HTML)
- New Feature: Ability to turn off 'pngfix.htc' (Tools->Options->HTML)
- New Feature: Option to disable Internet Explorer's toolbar (Page Properties).
- New Feature: Backup feature. Web Builder now makes a backup of the previous project before overwriting it.
- New Feature: It is now possible to have multiple pages with the same name! The pages must be in different folders of course;)
- New Feature: PayPal eCommerce objects: easily create payment buttons and basic shopping cart functionality for your web site with only a few mouse clicks!

How to update from previous 4.x versions?
1. Download version 4.2 here:
2. If you already have version 4.x you can install it over your previous version. Make sure you select the same folder!

Advanced users can also download the update files only here (no installer):