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CMS SHOP 100% WYSIWYG With articles listings genertor.!!!!

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:54 pm
by kuasarx
Hello People!!
I was at one day wondering...
Would be posible make a Shop integrated with the WYSIWYG CMS sistem?
so I Study the CMS system from WYSIWYG, and I realise that it was posible, but with a lot of PHP coding.
But no be afraid, because I made Extensions with all this code, so IT IS SUPER EASY.
Firts, give it a loot at the live demo Notes that the page is hoted in 000webhost , and some times, the database server is overloaded, so if not work, give it a try after some minuts.

This is a really simple template based on the Shopping Cart from WYSIWYG. But improoved with the extenxions i made.

1º - CMS Plus Admin Extension.
admin extensione.png
the function of this extension, is to expand the capabilities and potential applications of content management system original WYSIWYG web builder.
The CMS Plus Administrator object allows you to add, edit or remove pages, articles, or posts.
in general terms, the changes to the original CMS are the following.

* - Has been set CKEditor as default html editor, and the time until next version is the only one that can be used. all needed files to their proper use are already included in the extension, and will be installed automatically.

* - Added 5 new fields to the database:

** - Photo: This field fulfills the function of storing the url to an image that will be used for listings.

**Price: the price of the article.

** Productcode: the product code.

** - Category_1: This is a field where they were stored category the category that you choose to enter, in order to filter the resultdos.

** - Category_2 and Category_3: perform the same function as the previous field, and are particularly useful, if we select posts or articles in binding chains, or simply to assign more than one category to an article or post.

2º - The Listings Extension.
the function of this extension, is to expand the capabilities and potential applications of content management system original WYSIWYG web builder.

The CMS Plus listings object allows you to display listings of your articles, i a lot of diferent ways.

You can:
* Show products by one category, or chain categorys, so you can be more especific with the items to be show. for example. if you have articles that have a main categori, like computers, then you can select olso a sub categrory, like Laptops, and you can chose one category more to be filtered, like screen size...

* you can choose the size of the image displayed in the listings.
* you can activate the pagination, and it will automaticly create a pagination for you.
* you can choose, the number of items to be show.
*you can choose the order of the items, sorting theb by price, id, name, last modification, date of creation, categorys...
* social sharing tools are already integrated in the listings, so yourproducts can be shared in the social networks from your listings.

3º CMS Plus Integration Extension
This extension works together with the CMS View from WYSIWYG Web Builder.

With this extension, you no have to make a form for every Item in your shop

it do everything automatic!

The extension Provides :

*Integration with the Shopping Cart.

*Integration with Open Graph, for a better Social sharing.

*Some moore cool features.

4º CMS Plus Slider Extension.
Every Shop has to have a good look, so i have created this extension, that will generate a cool slider, based on s3Slider showing images, descriptions and links.
You can choose a lot of parameters, and also select categorys, order them, select how many items will be show....
and dont worry for the diferent image sices, it resices them.

And more extensions are cooming, like a search extension etc...

IF you are interested, in buying this templete, let you know first, that the extensions are included, and olso you will be able to download every new extension that comes for this CMS PLUS.

You can contact me at