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GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:26 pm
by harry1963
A while ago I had the idea to place Google's Map as the background of one of my sites.
Problem whit this was that there's almost no good premade script to get this done the right way.

But now there is!

There's a new version online! Go to :

With this extension you can place, for example, Google's image of your city or other locations as website background.
The options you have in this extensions are the following ones:
Latitude (if you dont fill it you will see the city where I live (Beverwijk, the Netherlands))
Longitude (if you dont fill it you will see the city where I live (Beverwijk, the Netherlands))
Zoomlevel (the resolution level of the location you'd like to see (between 0 and 21). Standart set to 14
Maptype (the kind of map you'd like to see (HYBRID, ROADMAP, SATELLITE and TERRAIN). Standart set to SATELLITE.

So from now on you've got another way to display any map!

Have fun with it!

You can download this extension by visiting the following site:

Re: Google Maps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:06 pm
by jsgecko

I installed the extension but it doesn't work. Using your default settings and tried different settings.
When previewing, I see " ]}); " top left corner, nothing else.
Using WB 8.5.1, tested on Chrome FF IE9 and Opera. Same results.


Re: Google Maps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:44 pm
by harry1963
HI Jsgecko,

I made a stupid mistake. Working with different version of this extension.... I used an not updated testversion in wwb8 wich worked but uploaded another version (directly after compiling with the extensionbuilder) wich did'nt work.

My excuses for this mistake.

There's a new version online! Go to :

You can download the updated extension using this link:

What are 2 people using this extension? 1 finding a bug and me with a good working extension still leaves the risk that the extension might be faulty for about 50%

Therefore I invite everybody to download the extension, test it and report back at this topic.

So users and testers.. try it use it, report about it and.... many thanks for it all!

And people... I'll keep you all updated about the prgress.

Re: Google Maps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:00 pm
by BaconFries
Sorry I cant download AV kicks in and scans and deletes it before it can even download.

Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:24 pm
by jsgecko

Downloaded your second extension... still doesn't work. Now blank screen.
Also, your url:
Google returns: could not find your url.


Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:16 pm
by haakoo
The link in last post doesn't work,as pointed out
The extension doesn't work because the settings don't get updated to the latt/longitude filled in by the user,
just the setting allready inside this extension work: center:[52.485, 4.656]


Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:46 pm
by harry1963
Finally a working extension!

I've complete rewritten the extension and also created a page where you can download this one.
Not less important... Iv'e also placed an explanation on how to use this extension on the same page where you can download it.

Here's a screenshot of the working extension on... how could it be else... the page where you can download it

Give it another try. You'll be surprized.

Visit :

Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:21 pm
by harry1963
haakoo wrote:The link in last post doesn't work,as pointed out
The extension doesn't work because the settings don't get updated to the latt/longitude filled in by the user,
just the setting allready inside this extension work: center:[52.485, 4.656]


Hi Hans,

The problem You've probably had was that the Latitude and Logitude you wanted to replace, it's decimal seperators where comma's and it only accepts dot's (.) as a decimal seperator.

Anyway. There's a new version online. If you'd like you can give it a chance.


Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:23 pm
by harry1963
jsgecko wrote:Hi,

Downloaded your second extension... still doesn't work. Now blank screen.
Also, your url:
Google returns: could not find your url.


Hi Jsgecko,

I think you had the same problem as Hans had.

Just read my reply to hans and things will get clear.

Anyway... there's a new one online. Just visit


Re: Google Maps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:26 pm
by harry1963
BaconFries wrote:Sorry I cant download AV kicks in and scans and deletes it before it can even download.

Hi BaconFries,

Strange but possible I'd say.

the only add on beside html is Jquery's Gmap (the official one) and it seems more than very strange to me that it would be infected.

Anyway... there's a new version online and it's also guaranteed complete virus-free.

Give it a try!

You can download it at

Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:43 pm
by haakoo
Nice one Harry,
And this one works like intended :lol:


Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:49 pm
by harry1963
haakoo wrote:Nice one Harry,
And this one works like intended :lol:


Glad to read a happy line and see a happy face!

There's nothing more forfilling than happy users!

So Hans,

If you have anny suggestions wich can make the extension even better or give it more usefull options.... here's an invitation!


Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:01 am
by harry1963
A few people asked me the question why I use coordinates in the extension instead of Names.

So why 52.088257,5.617301 instead of simply "Alkmaarseweg 230, Beverwijk"?

The answer.
Although you don't need a Google key anymore to use Google Map Features on your site... Google still knows two account types. These are commercial and non-commercial.
- Commercial users Can use Google's geocoder unlimited.
- Non-commercial users are limited in the use of Google's Geocoder.

This Geocoder is used to get the Latitude and Longitude when someone sends a location request like "Alkmaarseweg 230, Beverwijk".

By not using Google's Geocoder function you can use the other Google features like Maps, Streetview and a lot of other features. The use of Google than is unlimited.

Now I surely hope that every webdesigner will soon get more than 10.000.000 visits or more per day.
Anyway. Constantly making use of Google's Geocoder limits a webmaster to a max number of 2500 geocoder requests.
Good to know that also a page refresh or page revisit is seen as a geocoder request.

So when You use Googles Geocoder and you have a few visitors, with now and then a page refresh or renewed visit of a page...
at the time you reach something like a few hundred visitors you will have the serious risk that people will see a blank page instead of a nice map, Streetview and so on.

That's why!

Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:22 am
by haakoo
Maybe you could streetview and zoomdisplay available as an option to choose from.


Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:05 am
by harry1963
haakoo wrote:Maybe you could streetview and zoomdisplay available as an option to choose from.


Hi Hans,

First. Incorperating Streetview is a pretty good Idea. I'll start working on it.

On the other side.... Yesterday I've published another extension wich is made to show Google's Streetview as a Website Background. You can read about it in another topic. This one: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=51724.

Zoomdisplay? Sorry for the English people but right now I'll have to start writing to Hans in our Native Language (English goes over my head in this).
Bedoel je de besturings elementen die Google ook gebruikt in de weergave als je, bijvoorbeeld, iets zoekt via Google's eigen Maps?

Zo ja. Dan is deze optie eenvoudig toe te voegen. Zelfs met de keuze om deze elementen wel of niet te tonen.

Maar... uitgaande van de funktie van deze extensie...dan is mijn wedervraag. Wat kan dan de meerwaarde zijn?



So people that's the end of my Dutch on this topic. If you'd like to know what I wrote.... try Google's Translating Feature.


Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:13 am
by haakoo
Ik bedoelde inderdaad de zoomschuif linksboven.
maar enkel als optie voor degene die het wil gebruiken
Je kunt de default natuurlijk op niet weergeven instellen. :wink:

For the English viewers;
I meant to have the option for the zoomslider installed
It doesn't mean it should be used but only to be an option for those whom like to use it :wink:


Re: GMaps V3 as Fullscreen Website Background (Beta Version)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:18 am
by harry1963
haakoo wrote:Ik bedoelde inderdaad de zoomschuif linksboven.
maar enkel als optie voor degene die het wil gebruiken
Je kunt de default natuurlijk op niet weergeven instellen. :wink:

For the English viewers;
I meant to have the option for the zoomslider installed
It doesn't mean it should be used but only to be an option for those whom like to use it :wink:

Well Hans...

Your wish is (for this time) my command.

I just added all the options you asked me and it results in the following additions:
Streetview Can be activated (or deactivated) in the extensions. Default its activated.

Also all controlls can, per item, be activated (and yes... or deactivated). The default settings here are also that all are

And something extra too! Google has the possibilitie to choose out of three UI interfaces. I've Added all three of them. These are DEFAULT, DROP DOWN and HORIZONTAL BAR. By default I've choosen for the drop down UI because this the one wich is used the most.

If you like to use it, test it, chare it and tell the world about it... you can download it on (Its placed somewhere below on this page).

Have fun whit it!

Nice to know... This extension in now also avaliable under the name "Topmapper". Its is almost the same as this one. The difference is that "Topmapper" is to be used in the page content and not as a Website Background.
For more information see : viewtopic.php?f=42&t=51746
