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Google Streetview as your Website Background!

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:23 pm
by harry1963
A few weeks ago I've created the Extension to use Google Maps as a Website Background (bases on Jquery's Gmap).

And now there's a new one.
Google Streetview as your Website Background!

This extensions works extremely simple and you only have to fill in 3 parameters. These are:
1 - Latitude
2 - Longitude
3 - Heading

1 Latitude.
Of course this is one of the nececary parameters to fetch a location. Important on this one is that You use a dot (.) instead of a comma (,) as seperator for the decimals.

2 Longitude
This is the other one of the nececary parameters to fetch a location. Important on this one is that You use a dot (.) instead of a comma (,) as seperator for the decimals.

3 Heading.
This is (let's keep it simple) the way you want to look at the choosen location. Imagine yourself exact on the spot of the Latitude and Longitude and the only thing you can do is turn around in a circle. This circle is perfectly round and so it's 360 degrees in total. The degree is the way how you'r looking around from the given location and this is called "heading" (think in it as "heading --> looking towards...")
So by adjusting the heading you adjust the way you look at a given location in a certain direction.

By the way... if you dont alter any information and look a little around, you'll see my house in Beverwijk the Netherlands (the one with the text "HAJUPHIHU" on the front).

Have fun with it! and... of course.

Let me know if you like it and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeed me to make it better.

You can download it by visiting: ... creen.html

Here you can also find other extensions written by me.

Oh.. And any questions? Feel free to ask them!

Euhhhhh mistakes in this text? That's what you get when a dutch guy starts typing English!

Greetings from this cold and wet country. The Netherlands

Re: Google Streetview as your Website Background!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:20 pm
by r3za
Excellent Work Harry. Thanks

Re: Google Streetview as your Website Background!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:47 pm
by harry1963
r3za wrote:Excellent Work Harry. Thanks

Hi R3ZA,

Thanks for the compliment!
This is the nicest way to get paid for the work on it.


Re: Google Streetview as your Website Background!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:46 am
by jsgecko

I downloaded the extension. When I changed the page properties from 'Do not center this page in the browser window' to 'center this page in browser window horizontally', all my objects disappear except the extension :shock:


Re: Google Streetview as your Website Background!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:22 am
by harry1963
jsgecko wrote:Hi,

I downloaded the extension. When I changed the page properties from 'Do not center this page in the browser window' to 'center this page in browser window horizontally', all my objects disappear except the extension :shock:


Hi jsgecko,

I'll make some work out of it and repair this bug(iff one could call it like that).

The problem you've got is one of (lets say) my mistakes.

I wrote a part of this script for the use of one of my websites where all the content (read the complete page) should be centered. So what you did is overroall the extensions css setting by defining pre-baken css settings in WWB. Yesterday there was (and still is) a discussion/topic about this (see: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=51772)

Kind Regards,


Re: Google Streetview as your Website Background!

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:28 am
by zinc
Has anyone actually downloaded his extension?

Re: Google Streetview as your Website Background!

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:37 am
by haakoo
Probably i have a copy somewhere


Re: Google Streetview as your Website Background!

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:43 am
by zinc
haakoo wrote:Probably i have a copy somewhere

can you please email it to me

Cheers Hans

Re: Google Streetview as your Website Background!

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:58 am
by haakoo
