WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.5 update!

All the latest news about WYSIWYG Web Builder can be read in this section

*** The current version is: WYSIWYG Web Builder 20.1.0 ***

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WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.5 update!

Post by Pablo »

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.5 is a major update with new features and many internal improvements.

What's new in 11.5?
- Fixed: jQuery Button size in Layout Grid.
- Fixed: Heading object does not save gradient style.
- Fixed: Layout grid column background image not saved.
- Improved: Text object style now support text alignment (overrides inline text alignment).
- Improved: Wrapping text is now (semi) responsive so the object can be used in breakpoints with different layouts and font sizes! Note that this is impossible to do with standard HTML code so WWB generates different text elements for each breakpoint and toggle the visibility automatically to simulate responsive behavior.
- Improved: Added Layout grid support to Bulleted List.
- Improved: WWB now uses a new setup application which should run smoother than the old one.
- New feature: Added 'Log Level' option to publish settings of Secure FTP to reduce the amount of log. Supported levels: warning (minimum), info (normal) and all (debug).
- New feature: Added 'Explore' to Secure FTP. Implements a basic FTP tool which connects using Secure FTP.
- New feature: Added support for SVG, WOFF in addition to EOT and TFF in "Web Fonts->Automatically use @font-face for non web-safe fonts". You can now select which formats you want to publish. For example if you do not want EOT then you can turn it off. See the help for more information.
- New feature: Extensions can now be build as layers. In Extension Builder a new option 'Enable layer' has been added . This will turn the extension into a container for objects. This will make an entirely new category of extensions possible.
- plus many other internal improvements.

How to update from previous 11.x versions?
1. Download the latest version here:
2. If you already have version 11.x you can install it in the same location as the previous version.

Advanced users can also download the updated files only here (no installer):
http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/wb11update.zip (build date: November 21, 2016)

Secure FTP Extension 1.5
The new Secure FTP options require the latest version of Secure FTP (1.5)
If you bought the Secure FTP extension then you can request the update here:

Extension Builder 5.5
The updated version of Extension Builder can be downloaded here: