Incorporating a Forum page

This section is for posting questions which are not directly related to WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Examples of off topics: web server configuration, hosting, programming related questions, third party scripts.

Note that these questions will generally not be answered by the administrators of this forum.
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Incorporating a Forum page

Post by alex4orly »

I started playing with the idea to provide a platform for my Retirement village residents to post / ask Technology related questions.
Please have a look here - implementation of phpBB3 GNU package, like the one we are all using here at WWB

I have some questions that maybe someone can help me with:

1) On the WWB site (this site) on the forum page, there are TWO blocks of topics, the top one : GENERAL, the another one for WWB. How can I achieve the same setup?
2) When a resident gets a message from the site that somone posted an answer and he / she clicks on the link in the email, it takes him to that page, but instead of being "Embeded" still in my website - it is displayed in the browser - full screen. I would like the URL to be again within my website
3) Can't find anyway in the documentation to set it so that the Moderator (me in this case) gets an email when a Resident message is waiting to be approved...
4) Can I remove the default check box - attach signature and have instead check on "Notify me when..."

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Re: Incorporating a Forum page

Post by Pablo »

1. You can setup multiple sub forums in 'Forum administration'
2. I don't think this is possible. This would require a modification of the phpbb code.
3. Maye this will be helpful?
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