The themable button uses jQuery UI , you can change the global style in the jQuery UI Theme manager.
Thanks, that works great.
But that is valid for a
page with themable buttons, not for an
object on a page.
I'd need it for a simple (link)button, definable with a global css, independend of jquery.
I can't even find such simple button, based on global css, and carrying a link.
I checked the available menues whether such button would exist, but none of them seem to be appropriate for my purpose.
What I did, may be I don't have enough knowledge?
An active page (left side menu) is indicated by a green button, once you click on a button, that page will be shown.
And that single green button will 'overlay' the base button (defined in a master page).
That green button is a simple button defined for
each button seperately, not global css.
It would be disaster later, if that button-layout would change. I'd have to access each button idividually. And there are many. That's - lets say 'uncomfortable'. That is the purpose of css, as far as I understand at least.
I see the 'active' state in the qjuery definition, and I can define that layout. Sure also for the state 'active'.
But it does not help, because I can't tell the button to be an active one - on a particular page.
Also the jquery does not allow me to specify a blur (around a button) -btw-.
One thing of use would be to explicitely set such button to the state 'active' on a particular page, but how?
For that purpose it would be nice to make the jquery assignable to an individual entity (Layer, Menu, ...). And not just to the page.
May be, I miss some information.
So any help would be nice, no complete lessen required, just a hint.
Keep in mind, after more than 50 years in computer development, I'm not completely 'blond'. But I'm retired - and I have time time time to figure things out. Sometimes though it becomes frustrating -after skimming the forum-, and it just makes more sense to ask, others my also benefit from it.
Thanks in advance. Tot ziens.
Btw-I: I can not change my avatar, even if I keep the contraints (sizes and volumn).
I really feel pretty stupid, but it does the hell not work
Must I mail you the image - and you insert it?
Btw-II: It would be wise to open a link from here in a new tab/page, not in the samve page as this forum