Hi, I'm working on a new site https://brusaproducts.com !
Any comments or observations are welcome. Still need to iron out a couple things but the overall look and feel expected to remain.
New BRUSAProducts.com website
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Re: New BRUSAProducts.com website
Nice looking website, one thing I noticed straight away was the logo in the heading looked stretched compared to the logo a little further down, matched sizes would look 100% better.
Re: New BRUSAProducts.com website
Thanks for the comments...
- BaconFries
- Posts: 5841
- Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:32 pm
Re: New BRUSAProducts.com website
Nice, one thing I think you may have to reconsider is the use of the logo on the black section. To explain using the colour/color of blue is a bit hard to define as is the color/colour of grey used for the text. I point this out as I have a vision impairment and always try not to use blues, greys on black as it han be hard to define. It looks great on larger screens but on cell/mobile device as mentioned it gets harder. Not criticising but not all visitors to your site will have perfect vision and if unable to read its content may leave.
- Posts: 51
- Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:56 pm
Re: New BRUSAProducts.com website
How did you realize the slide show with text at the bottom of the landing page ?
- Posts: 225
- Joined: Sat May 30, 2015 7:15 am
Re: New BRUSAProducts.com website
Nice website. For me though the text under the main banner image stretches across the screen and not in line with all the other text and images when scrolling down the page. Good website though.