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Question about a dependency Slideshow <-> Options HTML/CSS Settings

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:55 pm
by Markus
Is it normal that the element "Slideshow" (lightbox gallery / fancybox) is displayed incorrectly if you activate the checkbox "Optimize inline styles (move inline style to style sheet)" in the options under HTML / CSS?

In my case, all images of the slideshow will be displayed one below the other on the website (see the right side of picture). If this option is not active, only the first image is displayed (which I consider to be correct).


This has no influence on the function of the slideshow. In both cases you can click on the image and the slideshow window will open.

In this context, I have one more question.
It seems that some options under "Tools / Options" are not global, but are saved directly with the website project.

Is that so? And if so, is there a list of the options that are global and those that are not?

I was surprised that some settings are not the same now when revising an old project as I set the options recently (for a current project).

Re: Question about a dependency Slideshow <-> Options HTML/CSS Settings

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:33 pm
by Pablo
Some third party scripts may not work when the code is re-arranged (by the HTML options) , because these script expect the code the insert in a specific place on the page.
Note that the option "Optimize inline styles' may generated a lot of extra code, because it needs to dynamically create ids for all inline styles.

Re: Question about a dependency Slideshow <-> Options HTML/CSS Settings

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:50 pm
by Markus
Pablo, thank you for clarify this and for the additional information.
