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CSS menu z-index problem with Layout Grid layer

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by mckonen
I faced a problem using CSS menu with the Layout grip layer; when scrolling the page down, the menu items goes under everything . The layer with the menu are at the front of everything and background set the solid colour, but no effect of that. This can be fixed by using the other layout underneath of the CSS menu, but not very clever thing, also this messes up the mobile pages every now and then by showing also the CSS menu there...See this project:
Don't know what I am doing wrong, or should this working like this, I am using v.12.5 ? Have to try v. 15 if this is fixed there at during the next update...
br, Sami

Re: CSS menu z-index problem with Layout Grid layer

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 6:20 am
by Pablo
Layout grids do not have a z-index so the next grid will always overlap the previous one in the z-order.
That is why drop down menus are normally part of a page header so you can set the 'stack level' to 'in front of content'
Alternatively, you can also set the layout grid position to 'header (fixed)'

Re: CSS menu z-index problem with Layout Grid layer

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 12:35 pm
by mckonen
OK, in this case the fixed header could be ok, but not with the taller ones without some tricks. Seen some pages; when scrolling down, some part of the header (maybe the logo and transparent background) activating during scrolling page down, didn't find any template of that at least for WB 12...

br, Sami

Re: CSS menu z-index problem with Layout Grid layer

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 1:07 pm
by Pablo
To give you more specific advise, I need to see what you have done.
Note however that version 12 is no longer supported.